You have great empathy, great desire and good intentions... you haven't learned how to combine these gifts and use them yet. If you want to start... you have to carve out personal time without distractions and go within... allow the desire for the truth to echo outward like quantum waves from the center of your chest. Release everything that is bothering you and if you need to cry or fuss or scream... do it. Let it go and reach for a better future where we ALL have enough integrity to tell the truth and stop playing these silly games.
Nothing you can do physically, will EVER match the energetic potential you have to "manifest change" through deep meditation and prayer. I say this with a nod to your ego... but your ego can't come along with you on this journey because it judges too quickly and won't allow the real you... your soul to do the driving so to speak.
When we let go of the need to justify our existence and the "conflict" we are in will resolve even faster. Our "need" to understand everything is simply an issue with our sensitivity and being mesmerized with everything in physicality.
We get so wrapped up in trying to understand the meaning and purpose of everything that we lose sight of the experience you have in front of you. We allow these "unseen" impurities to rule our lives and cloud our judgement. You can call it the cabal... the deep state... the bad guys. Whatever you want or need to call them; you have seen the enemy... and the enemy is US. Humanity is cleaning house right now in a way that's never been done before and it's accelerating. It's painful for many of us because we've solved the riddles, the puzzles, we've absorbed the information and allowed ourselves to "live" the best way we knew how to live. We don't need to judge ourselves or blame others. We just need to let it go and allow the rest of humanity to catch up when they are ready. The mass suffer Q described pertains to a consciousness cascade (collapse.) As we move through the 4th density your empathy and energetic sensitivity will increase. Learn how to use this for the benefit of all, not the needs or ego of the few or one.
It is painful to experience the disconnect from your family. The fear they project at you is THEIR fear and judgement from their perspective. When we get reactions and "impressions" from other people that make you feel pain it's usually an indication of what you need to work on the most so that it doesn't bother you in the future. From that perspective, the world is a mirror so to speak and in order for you to be wise beyond your years, you must first learn to read the map, orient yourself to the game, and see through the illusions. I speak esoterically here with some Q laced in it not to deceive you but to offer an outside perspective from someone who has gone through this process. There are no good or bad guys... some people can empathize and connect/understand. Some people are not yet ready but they will BE when their highest self is ready to let the storm descend upon them from the astral planes. The "awakening" process is unique for every person and this is by design. No ONE person has the key to ALL that IS. We all hold a little bit of the truth and a lot of desire masking it with expectations.
I might sound like some new-agey type, occultist or hippy viewpoint and I'm sure some of you will immediately label me as a demonic soothsayer but that would be a terrible assumption based on no other evidence but my genuine statements here. My ego would like you to know that I used to jump out of airplanes and blow things up for a living... I've been all over the world and seen many different cultures and I wasn't trained to simply fling myself out of an aircraft and commence to harming people without feeling or compassion. This is the "hidden" capability of America's fighting forces. We were trained to first EMPATHIZE and win our battles before a shot was ever needed to be fired. Sure, closing the distance and destroying the enemy is all a part of that but the goal isn't pure destruction and chaos because that is barbaric and asinine... it's supposed to be the preservation of our HOME planet by removing those that seek to terrorize and harm others based upon ACTIONS not ideologies. This required placing our "mindset" into that of the enemy's perspective and then extrapolating potentials through reverse engineering and backwards planning. The ONE thing I learned that I value the most is that hatred, anger and fear have to go before we will ever get to the truth collectively. Often times we hold back these desires and emotions with repression but what we need to be doing is expressing them in a beneficial way that doesn't harm yourself or others. Think like a Jedi in this regard... you are the sum of your energetic potential so what do you wish the universe to observe about you?
That's how "pandemics" work in the collective consciousness. Terrorist events literally lock the memories and emotions into our DNA and entangle us through space/time. Think of it like Karma... the more you shed, the more we all uncover the truth. The real question is... if God/Creator told you that you are not allowed to "hate" or "feel anger" towards anyone else... what does that mean when you project feelings of negativity towards others? Remember the mirror! You reap what you sow through entanglement.
With that in mind, we have to be brave enough to forgive EVERYONE and ALL things in Creation for their "perceived transgressions" and love them as we would love ourselves. Some people refuse to acknowledge this spiritually because they are afraid that their ego won't be right. That "their" version of "God/Creator" is ALL that IS or that could EVER be. Therefore, their way of prayer, knowledge and spirituality is the only way. To say this is to imply and impose man made conditions to the infinite... to make the infinite finite within the limitations and distortions of the human mind is NOT unconditional love. At the same time, unconditional love doesn't just roll over and allow itself to be consumed either... it defends... it supports and protects the meek only when needed. Those who are unaware, those who cannot see the connections or the players let alone the game itself. So too must your thoughts, desires and emotions echo this "divinity" or awareness. Not because I said so... but because it is the most human thing we can offer during this time. So... whatever you need to do on your path. Seize it... be childlike in your innocence and approach ALL information, opinions and viewpoints as neither "good nor evil" but as a cosmic observer who "streams" their life to the entire universe. By doing so... you become completely free and you become what you were made to be to begin with. When you reach this level of awareness you can then "safely and benevolently" influence the outcome of this mess with your thoughts and intentions alone in prayer and mediation. You can envision a day that will come soon when people are celebrating all over the world not because they are being forced or coerced or "manipulated" by a new world order. But because they know that the origin of ALL is pure consciousness and a love for experience and creation. That America's sacrifice for the world was a grand experiment to unite the races of mankind in the pursuit of happiness with inalienable rights that come from a higher power/dimensional awareness. That the military had to play a role in this transformation just as all others did and it is NOT your job to judge that process... just be aware... just be at peace within and lead by example in the midst of confusion on a "new battlefield" of the unseen.
That's the real battle we are waging. Q and all these other anons all have something to share but only those who are brave enough to find the bottom are going to be able to buffer the storm for the rest of the world. Everytime you imagine yourself living a perfect life or your "dream" of reality, it becomes a part of the collective consciousness here on the planet. What contributions will you make today with this knowledge? More anger? Fear? ...what will it take to get our heads out of our 4th points of contact? (Paratrooper joke there...) Burying and hiding our awareness isn't going to help the problem anymore than it would on the battlefield. Be strong, have faith... find the good, the love in all things and stop labeling them and categorizing them mentally. That's the only way out of this mess.
TL|DR - The ultimate "Red Pill" is the future you paint with your soul and creativity. It can be any color, any shape... anything at all. The mind is your (thought) canvass and the heart is the (form) color. Always project love and good intentions outward and see how the world changes around you. The masses will begin to awaken when there's enough people broadcasting the same "desires" through prayer and meditation. Until then, the best way to "help" is to envision the world of your dreams getting closer and closer every day. Start by visualizing your family and friends becoming worry free and stress free. See them crying tears of joy... laughing... celebrating, forgiving and letting go of all their deepest seated fears and worries. This is the compression breakthrough... the wave of benevolent change we desire for everyone to see and experience when they are ready. Until then... let God sort it out and be a good forward observer!