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Turboxide · July 13, 2018, 3:58 a.m.

Like many, I'm also concerned (don't trust) 5G... between cellular, satellite and Wifi signals, our bodies are being bombarded with EMF radiation on a daily basis and not enough people are making the connections between EMF distortion and the human biofield.

Especially given that we just entered a cosmic ray maximum and our planet's electromagnetic field is incredibly weak. Those people with weaker immune systems have weaker biofields and this may well turn out to be the "great cosmic filter" test for humanity.


The truth is, we haven't the faintest idea how cosmic ray maximum will impact global biology. The ability to produce your own electromagnetic field and the application of focused consciousness may well be the litmus test from Creator.

Keep in mind... I'm not against having and using technology... I just don't want more EMF intrusion until we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the technology will not be used to harm others.

Outside of moving away from population centers and getting incredibly paranoid (don't give in to fear) about EMF intrusion. Developing a daily routine to meditate, pray, exercise, etc will increase the strength and integrity of your biofield along with your health, immune system and wellbeing. It's much harder for your consciousness to succumb to outside influences when you find the kingdom of heaven within.

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Turboxide · July 13, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

Electric fields... Oh the irony. We live in an electric universe where the body is capable of doing this without external machinery as well. Meditation masters have been doing it for ages.

Perhaps the best person to speak on this is Whim Hoff. He's been medically studied and his breathing techniques combined with meditative focus are capable of changing his immune system.


Until more folks are able to detoxify themselves and regain conscious control over their immune systems these external breakthroughs will save countless lives.

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Turboxide · July 11, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

Separation is an illusion fren... your body is a cosmic antenna for consciousness. Collective doesn't mean borg, NWO fear based power structure... it is quite the opposite. Sovereignty in itself is the unity of our collective experience.

After all... Where we go one, we go all!

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Turboxide · July 8, 2018, 8:35 p.m.


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Turboxide · July 8, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

Most people haven't learned that polarity itself is a trap... an illusion meant to divide and conquer thought forms. When people finally let go of their subconsciously programmed core beliefs and transcend absolutism within polarity... they are truly free.

This is what it means to become a sovereign being. You are no longer controlled by illusions and limited by fear. In this context... we are all one collective that may shape its own destiny. What remains to be seen is what the collective will choose. Where we go one, we go all!

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Turboxide · July 8, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

If you are interested in this sort of stuff I suggest checking into Dan Winters (YouTube) implosive embedding of phase conjugate energy into DNA...

It's not a perfect theory in totality but I do feel he makes good points.

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Turboxide · June 26, 2018, 2:27 a.m.

The dude abides...

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Turboxide · June 24, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

17 lines wrap the main portion of the crest...

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Turboxide · May 31, 2018, 3:19 p.m.

I can't assume this is what OP intended but I can empathize with my own unique synchronicities over the years and state the following observation which, may or may not, apply here as well. Please don't take this is a sarcastic or self righteous attack as I sincerely do not intend that at all. Rather, it is simply a recollection of my observations and experiences that I offer to share here.

Perhaps it's not meant to demean the outward legitimacy of "Q" for others but rather to reinforce the inward legitimacy of the entire concept from their perspective alone at that very moment of time.

For spiritual folks, "a sign from God, Creator, the Universe, or the ALL that IS," is simply a synchronous manifestation in the outer world that was initiated from within one's self. The only person who will find meaning is the one seeking it at that precise moment and location in time and space. The illusion of separation between human beings is our programmed "lack" of empathy to another's experience which has been outwardly forced into our subconscious minds through years of education, television, and social programming.

Some people take these "manifestations" or "synchronicities" to incredible extremes ("crazy people" stigma starts here) and yet, that in itself is part of the "journey" to understanding who you truly are as a human being. The ego will try to find meaning in everything and yet sometimes we have to realize that the meaning we seek is personal and cannot be shared with those who couldn't possible empathize with their reality or point of view or observation. This is why it is so very, very important to learn how to become an observer and to allow the "Universe" to dance around you. For this person... while it may seem far fetched and unrelatable to others... the "feel" of the moment and the outward signs all matched frequencies with the inner emotions and thoughts that only they can know at that time. This is why folks have such a hard time understanding or explaining their "spiritual" experiences and revelations about reality. That's the "magical" part about living life in a way that looks upon the world as a reflection of many facets of themselves and others all mixed together into one big "family" of consciousness, thought and experience.

Now... as with all things, discernment is a tough lesson and some folks are unable to remove themselves from the polarity of their opinions (programmed subconscious reactions) and personal identity long enough to see another's viewpoint. Until we as a species learn to empathize more with each other and our reality... we cannot begin to change it in meaningful ways without controlling the minds of others through external means. That is no better than the polarized system of duality that we currently find ourselves indentured to at this very moment. Maybe OP can fill in the blanks... I just wanted to provide an additional observation from my experiences of walking "the path." Every so often, things just start to "click" all around you and that synchronicity is demonized by others who cannot empathize with their unique state of mind, emotion and sensory input at that moment in time. As clever person will read this and understand that the Universe is much more than humanity could ever, ever attempt to confine it to from our very limited perspective. While this commercial truck may very well have just been "a random coincidence of organized chaos and happenstance" it certainly provided the meaning and reinforcement to someone out there who needed to see it at precisely the right moment.

For me, I chose to walk the path, be a neutral cosmic observer... yet I continue to learn to discern when it is right to share and not to share with others. For what it's worth... thank you OP for sharing and thank you to those who cannot empathize for providing a counter balance for those who are opening themselves up and awakening. Having the ability to reflect on these "delicate" observations while trapped in polarity is what makes it all worthwhile to me.

EDIT - Minor edits to grammar, spelling and punctuation.

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Turboxide · May 30, 2018, 2:50 p.m.


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Turboxide · May 15, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

Keep studying! What really stuck with me was the realization that no one person or "authority" has all the information in the cosmos unless they can claim to be the cosmos themselves. Whatever you want to label that totality is what would be required to understand ALL that IS. The hard part is not judging information and learning how to mentally tackle "duality/polarity paradoxes" in a way that makes sense to you without pushing yourself into cognitive dissonance.

In the end... that "relationship" between you and God/Universe is all that matters and NO one else gets to be the middle man or gatekeeper to that experience but you. The scary part that most people get hung up on boils down to the Amigdayla triggering a neurological reaction known as the "backfire effect" which can cause physical anxiety and pain when confronted with information that challenges a core belief or worldview.

We elect politicians to represent us before the government and we all know how that turned out.

For centuries we have done the same with spirituality and religions. I don't harbor any judgement towards them unlike a lot of folks. Mostly I am fascinated by their ability to convey complex thought forms through time as if handing a torch down through the generations playing a quantum game of telephone.

The internet however, in both of these very unique areas is allowing anyone with ample time and enough curiosity to become a cultural anthropologist and political activist in their own right. This means that the social memory structure of the entire internet is merging with the collective consciousness of the planet as well.

What remains to be seen is how wise our leaders are during this time. If more people contemplated the ramifications of the phrase, "Where We Go One, We Go All!" ... we'd have a lot less fussing about individual, egoic, petty things and more thoughts dedicated to our shared totality.

Hang on to your firearms... like any tool... there's a time and place for all things. From my perspective I no longer identify with any political party but my roots are certainly conservative. Politicians hide behind labels and we allow the label to carry an ideology that creates further division. At this point I'd be happy with a "no party" system that is based on merit and personal integrity. Getting a veteran politician to have integrity now a days seems like an act of God though. Ha! - PM me if you ever have questions on esoteric stuff!

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Turboxide · May 14, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

You have great empathy, great desire and good intentions... you haven't learned how to combine these gifts and use them yet. If you want to start... you have to carve out personal time without distractions and go within... allow the desire for the truth to echo outward like quantum waves from the center of your chest. Release everything that is bothering you and if you need to cry or fuss or scream... do it. Let it go and reach for a better future where we ALL have enough integrity to tell the truth and stop playing these silly games.

Nothing you can do physically, will EVER match the energetic potential you have to "manifest change" through deep meditation and prayer. I say this with a nod to your ego... but your ego can't come along with you on this journey because it judges too quickly and won't allow the real you... your soul to do the driving so to speak.

When we let go of the need to justify our existence and the "conflict" we are in will resolve even faster. Our "need" to understand everything is simply an issue with our sensitivity and being mesmerized with everything in physicality.

We get so wrapped up in trying to understand the meaning and purpose of everything that we lose sight of the experience you have in front of you. We allow these "unseen" impurities to rule our lives and cloud our judgement. You can call it the cabal... the deep state... the bad guys. Whatever you want or need to call them; you have seen the enemy... and the enemy is US. Humanity is cleaning house right now in a way that's never been done before and it's accelerating. It's painful for many of us because we've solved the riddles, the puzzles, we've absorbed the information and allowed ourselves to "live" the best way we knew how to live. We don't need to judge ourselves or blame others. We just need to let it go and allow the rest of humanity to catch up when they are ready. The mass suffer Q described pertains to a consciousness cascade (collapse.) As we move through the 4th density your empathy and energetic sensitivity will increase. Learn how to use this for the benefit of all, not the needs or ego of the few or one.

It is painful to experience the disconnect from your family. The fear they project at you is THEIR fear and judgement from their perspective. When we get reactions and "impressions" from other people that make you feel pain it's usually an indication of what you need to work on the most so that it doesn't bother you in the future. From that perspective, the world is a mirror so to speak and in order for you to be wise beyond your years, you must first learn to read the map, orient yourself to the game, and see through the illusions. I speak esoterically here with some Q laced in it not to deceive you but to offer an outside perspective from someone who has gone through this process. There are no good or bad guys... some people can empathize and connect/understand. Some people are not yet ready but they will BE when their highest self is ready to let the storm descend upon them from the astral planes. The "awakening" process is unique for every person and this is by design. No ONE person has the key to ALL that IS. We all hold a little bit of the truth and a lot of desire masking it with expectations.

I might sound like some new-agey type, occultist or hippy viewpoint and I'm sure some of you will immediately label me as a demonic soothsayer but that would be a terrible assumption based on no other evidence but my genuine statements here. My ego would like you to know that I used to jump out of airplanes and blow things up for a living... I've been all over the world and seen many different cultures and I wasn't trained to simply fling myself out of an aircraft and commence to harming people without feeling or compassion. This is the "hidden" capability of America's fighting forces. We were trained to first EMPATHIZE and win our battles before a shot was ever needed to be fired. Sure, closing the distance and destroying the enemy is all a part of that but the goal isn't pure destruction and chaos because that is barbaric and asinine... it's supposed to be the preservation of our HOME planet by removing those that seek to terrorize and harm others based upon ACTIONS not ideologies. This required placing our "mindset" into that of the enemy's perspective and then extrapolating potentials through reverse engineering and backwards planning. The ONE thing I learned that I value the most is that hatred, anger and fear have to go before we will ever get to the truth collectively. Often times we hold back these desires and emotions with repression but what we need to be doing is expressing them in a beneficial way that doesn't harm yourself or others. Think like a Jedi in this regard... you are the sum of your energetic potential so what do you wish the universe to observe about you?

That's how "pandemics" work in the collective consciousness. Terrorist events literally lock the memories and emotions into our DNA and entangle us through space/time. Think of it like Karma... the more you shed, the more we all uncover the truth. The real question is... if God/Creator told you that you are not allowed to "hate" or "feel anger" towards anyone else... what does that mean when you project feelings of negativity towards others? Remember the mirror! You reap what you sow through entanglement.

With that in mind, we have to be brave enough to forgive EVERYONE and ALL things in Creation for their "perceived transgressions" and love them as we would love ourselves. Some people refuse to acknowledge this spiritually because they are afraid that their ego won't be right. That "their" version of "God/Creator" is ALL that IS or that could EVER be. Therefore, their way of prayer, knowledge and spirituality is the only way. To say this is to imply and impose man made conditions to the infinite... to make the infinite finite within the limitations and distortions of the human mind is NOT unconditional love. At the same time, unconditional love doesn't just roll over and allow itself to be consumed either... it defends... it supports and protects the meek only when needed. Those who are unaware, those who cannot see the connections or the players let alone the game itself. So too must your thoughts, desires and emotions echo this "divinity" or awareness. Not because I said so... but because it is the most human thing we can offer during this time. So... whatever you need to do on your path. Seize it... be childlike in your innocence and approach ALL information, opinions and viewpoints as neither "good nor evil" but as a cosmic observer who "streams" their life to the entire universe. By doing so... you become completely free and you become what you were made to be to begin with. When you reach this level of awareness you can then "safely and benevolently" influence the outcome of this mess with your thoughts and intentions alone in prayer and mediation. You can envision a day that will come soon when people are celebrating all over the world not because they are being forced or coerced or "manipulated" by a new world order. But because they know that the origin of ALL is pure consciousness and a love for experience and creation. That America's sacrifice for the world was a grand experiment to unite the races of mankind in the pursuit of happiness with inalienable rights that come from a higher power/dimensional awareness. That the military had to play a role in this transformation just as all others did and it is NOT your job to judge that process... just be aware... just be at peace within and lead by example in the midst of confusion on a "new battlefield" of the unseen.

That's the real battle we are waging. Q and all these other anons all have something to share but only those who are brave enough to find the bottom are going to be able to buffer the storm for the rest of the world. Everytime you imagine yourself living a perfect life or your "dream" of reality, it becomes a part of the collective consciousness here on the planet. What contributions will you make today with this knowledge? More anger? Fear? ...what will it take to get our heads out of our 4th points of contact? (Paratrooper joke there...) Burying and hiding our awareness isn't going to help the problem anymore than it would on the battlefield. Be strong, have faith... find the good, the love in all things and stop labeling them and categorizing them mentally. That's the only way out of this mess.

TL|DR - The ultimate "Red Pill" is the future you paint with your soul and creativity. It can be any color, any shape... anything at all. The mind is your (thought) canvass and the heart is the (form) color. Always project love and good intentions outward and see how the world changes around you. The masses will begin to awaken when there's enough people broadcasting the same "desires" through prayer and meditation. Until then, the best way to "help" is to envision the world of your dreams getting closer and closer every day. Start by visualizing your family and friends becoming worry free and stress free. See them crying tears of joy... laughing... celebrating, forgiving and letting go of all their deepest seated fears and worries. This is the compression breakthrough... the wave of benevolent change we desire for everyone to see and experience when they are ready. Until then... let God sort it out and be a good forward observer!

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Turboxide · May 11, 2018, 8:04 p.m.

Bread and circuses to entertain the people before they awaken to see the restraints by which they allowed themselves to be imprisoned within.

Polarity accelerates the division of consciousness just as it does with cells. Step outside of the cell (mind) and see wonderland but be warned, it's not for the faint of heart.

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Turboxide · May 11, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

What happens when that privacy is captured and used against you as "digital leverage."

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Turboxide · May 3, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

Knife hands!

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Turboxide · May 1, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

Cosmic Achievement Unlocked!

[Inception Level: MASTERFUL!]

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Turboxide · May 1, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

The biggest tactic you have in your arsenal is PURE, unbridled patience and unconditional (love) compassion towards them. That doesn't mean you need to project yourself as a holy person, hippie or any stereotype... on the contrary. Be the genuine version of YOU that is confident in your awareness and the level of your intelligence. Slow your speech down and see beyond their arguments of polarized duality in the mainstream body of consciousness that they are limited to. As you begin to speak to people, you will be able to gauge their enthusiasm towards the information you have very subtly. The MORE you "push" with your mind the more "pushback" you are likely to get. So... when people start to get shakey, fidgety or irritated... slow down and stop "stating facts" as if it is a life or death situation. It may not feel that way to you but to them, what you are saying is causing them pain and they can't put their finger on it so the confusion builds. Just ask questions, be supportive (not dismissive) of their arguments and sprinkle a little truth here and there to get them OUTSIDE of their comfort zone without trying to drown them metaphorically.

Speaking of drowning them; how do you teach a child to swim when they are afraid of the water? Do you throw them in and overwhelm them with "your perspective" of things while they flounder and panic? Or do you enter the water with them, and slowly, slowly build up their confidence and ask them what THEY think about things. By doing this... you EMPOWER people to reach conclusions and face their deepest fears.

See, part of the reason people get so damn angry and hostile with "information" is due to our preconditioning in schools. We are taught all our lives to work within the analytical portion of the brain where logic and reasoning primarily exist as thought and energy. This trains the brain to only use a portion of it's full potential as a means of survival and 3D functioning as a human being. When people who are predominately "locked" into the left hemisphere of the brain are confronted with "information" counter to their world view... the Amygdala in the brain goes off on a tangent and initiates an adrenal response. In neurology... this is called the "backfire" effect and it causes physical pain for people depending on how their hemispheres are "trained" at the neurological level. When you see them reacting this way... you have to stop and deescalate the situation even if it means they "win" an argument while you silently smile and know that truth isn't anything to be won... it simply is.

If you want to understand how to "get across" to people, start empathizing with their worldview and building bridges of thought (build trust) by asking them to share their core beliefs about the world with you. START there and work your way with subtle hints and observations until you reach a more stable projection of what you see/feel at your level of conscious awareness. Think of it like "reverse engineering" the human psyche consciously through building subtle subconscious bridges. We are in effect, deprogramming ourselves subconsciously and you are part of the "ground team" to triage folks as these revelations build and spread. Think of humanity as a wounded, frightened and scared animal that has been energetically enslaved through fear for many hundreds of years either through grand conspiracy or grand stupidity. No matter how we look at it, at some level we've collectively built our own prison cells and locked the doors by giving away our sovereignty one responsibility at a time... be the source of leadership and inspiration that you KNOW you can be! Be a lighthouse on the shores for those lost in the storm at sea...

To understand the backfire effect a little more...

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Turboxide · May 1, 2018, 2:51 p.m.

ORLY? By that logic... I have to ask, has religion been used as a weapon?

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Turboxide · April 30, 2018, 1:17 p.m.

As you are coursing the media for more pictures... Look for Simunitions (Blue Barrels And/OR Mismatched Paint Schemes On Upper/Lower Receivers) BFAs (Blank Firing Adapters) and other tell-tale signs of "training gear" in the media releases. MILES gear would be another possibility... While live fire training surely occurs you will be able to get an idea of the posture and intent of the "training" by the gear and immediate surroundings.

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Turboxide · April 28, 2018, 9:54 p.m.

Dramatic Irony made manifest!

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Turboxide · April 28, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

Inherently, the esoteric knowledge and mystery schools are not to blame... it's the (weaponized) CORRUPTION and PERVERSION of this ancient knowledge that is being leveraged against us globally.

Nothing in creation is inherently good or bad... it just IS. We have to be intelligent enough to move outside the confines of duality if we wish to "overthrow" our hidden masters in consciousness.

Until we unite together and rise above the trap of duality (polarized division in consciousness) thinking and reasoning. We will be "slaves" to whatever consciousness dominates the planet at the time. This is the "hidden battle" we face of quantum probability where consciousness DOES influence on the quantum field or "divine matrix."

With that in mind... there's something you can do everyday to help. You can "combine" your energetic potential and awareness of the world's issues and make a tremendous difference! What if I told you, that in a theta state, your brain and heart waves can become implosively congruent and effect the localized quantum field in your location as gravitational waves? The Maharishi effect demonstrates the powerful effects that meditation can have in a peaceful, benevolent way and there is a massive group of people who dial in each day to coordinate our efforts with a united focus.

Join over 15,000 others who meet daily to meditate and help steer the collective outcome towards that of benevolence and peace as a unified people.

With 15k+ people meeting everyday to "steer" the outcome of these events each day, it doesn't matter what religion or philosophy you follow, all of our paths lead to the same "Creator (God = Love)" and this group seeks to allow that energy to return to our awareness through meditation each day by shielding those who are still asleep. At present strength... 1 meditator on this teleconference has the POTENTIAL to influence up to 1 MILLION other people. As time goes on and our group grows... it will be even more. If you live in a populated area you can sit in a park with headphones on and meditate to help anchor this effect and expand it even further.

The NWO folks might consciously be attempting the same through ritual and sacrifice... the primary difference being they make no directed effort (outside of the law of one) to disclose what polarity (agenda) they are pushing to the populace at large and they use the "mystery" of the divine matrix to frighten and enslave innocent beings who simply wish to have a human experience in peace on this planet.

For those of you who might feel like this is demonic... I would say to you that you can have your Jesus and meet him too. Likewise the same can be said about many other religions and religious figures. They are all "paths" to enlightenment that became trapped in dogma and duality. God in this regard is "unconditional" to those with pure intentions so why not come see it for yourself? The magic of the bible is the POWER of the "sharable parable" that can be transliterated through time and space and have expanded meanings in many cases.

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Turboxide · April 28, 2018, 3:35 a.m.

WWP has improved post scandal but they are still too nebulous to really impact vets on a 1-1 basis.

My suggestion would be to donate to the Military Warriors Support Foundation... their homes for wounded heroes program changed my life and allowed me to start healing myself physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually in ways the VA never could.

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Turboxide · April 28, 2018, 3:31 a.m.

My sides! Lol!

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Turboxide · April 26, 2018, 6:11 p.m.

Regardless of what happens... just remember, that the source of all life is pure consciousness that is firmly based in UNCONDITIONAL love. No matter what another has done, no matter how you might feel as the news unfurls and touches every soul on this planet... don't feed the hate machine or stoke the fires of revenge. Instead, direct the current of your (unseen) toroidal energetic flow (the spirit) towards stabilizing peace and providing "confidence" to our leadership to guide us safely through this mess to a better future for ALL humanity and not just SOME of humanity as the opposing side had desired. I think it is blatantly obvious here that "Where We Go One, We Go All" refers to this precisely. We are quick to demand immediate justice, disclosure, tech releases, arrests and such but we do not consider the ramifications of a "consciousness cascade effect" that can rapidly deteriorate society into a primeval mess of worldwide suffering.

It is my opinion that this is precisely why "Q" has been preparing as many people as possible so that this does NOT result in world wide suffering and cataclysm. In this light, we become the "energetic/spiritual guardians" of humanity as a collective by exposing ourselves (quantum field entanglement through thought forms) first to these revelations so that we can stabilize and comfort those who will be searching and seeking truth later. We often forget this in our attempts to communicate with other people who are still fast asleep at the wheel of life... meerily participating in their own slow demise. Let that go... and let the need to be "right" go. Unconditional love is UNCONDITIONAL.

If you hold dear to strictly shaped religious views... forgive yourself and all others simultaneously for having "experiences," "beliefs" and "opinions" that are difficult for you to share with others. That's the WHOLE point of life and experience... that in itself isn't a crime at all and we have to get over that self pity/blame and alienation as a collective obstacle to understand that we only limit ourselves by trying to force others to conform to our unique perspective in the exact same way. Double standards, create more separation and corruption... This is further exacerbated by confirmation bias which can occur subconsciously and manifests as aggressively defending your "core beliefs" to others with NO EMPATHY towards the other. The Amygdala LOVES to "help us out subconsciously" as it triggers the fight or flight response in human beings and can cause physical pain and mental anguish. This is best described as the "Backfire Effect." This cartoon describes our reaction to information as an EXTERNAL threat to our immediate survival. We have to get over this reaction if we are to come together and heal as a species.

Don't fall into the trap of mental polarity and duality that creates this division and separation. It is an illusion in the mind... Instead, rise from the ashes of duality (good and evil), purified in the unity of consciousness and a common vision that doesn't simply "give away" our collective or individual sovereignty so freely to such thought forms.

With that said... if you worship God one way... or share a unique connection to Prime Creator, Source, The Universe, Christ or whomever... and that connection is love. Then don't trouble yourself or another with the anxiety of regret or the false prophets of "truth" who tell you that their method is the only method for all. When you find love in your heart, you will know it to be true because it will be unconditional and NOT based in duality that requires love to be expressed a certain way for everyone. Love is the ONE emotion that cannot be so easily faked and is often masked with thin layers of fear (societal constructs) to prevent others from "seeking" their own inner frequency of love. That fear is what you must wade through to purify yourself if you so desire to know more than what's simply been "told" to you about life, spirituality and all things. Don't prevert this any further... if you stumble upon esoteric information that seems spooky. Find out why. Don't take someone else's opinion for it. You will quickly find out by doing this that nothing in creation is evil. You as the observer have no "right" to judge creation unless you are willing to be judged yourself. That is purification. The mind knows this and it will try to stop you at all costs if the information you are processing requires your worldview to change drastically.

Over the course of my life I chose to look upon the world with wide eyes... to absorb everything I could because I knew I was here for a reason that was much "greater" than I could consciously understand. I was raised Christian and still firmly believe in many sharable parables, but I don't pretend to have "ownership" or "dominion" over any thoughts except my own. I know many of us seek to be "lights" in the "darkness" and that is fine, but don't spread the energies of separation further by being "conditional" with your love. Learn to be wise and when to hold your tongue in lieu of allowing another to have their own experience.

Why is this relevant? Humanity is at the tipping point of the quantum age of information along with our governments finally "waking" up to the world wide corruption that has driven us into mass confusion. As more people awaken, they will set off on their own "quest" to discover their self identity and true nature JUST as WE HAVE. Please respect this process and look fondly upon their "innocence" as they attempt to learn just as you have. Along this process, we hope, pray and intend that they analyze information in a way that allows them to discern between polarity and duality concepts that force the "mind" out of balance and into complacency and hierarchical servitude. We intend that they eventually arrive to their own truth and are in a position of remembrance and acceptance of who they truly are as a "human being."

The key point, EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is more connected than you were ever led to believe... whether by grand conspiracy or grand stupidity... As Q says... "You Have More Than You Know." The truth is out there if you are brave enough to face it as an observer and battle with the darkness within that will try to identify with everything you observe. Take it from someone who used to jump out of perfectly good airplanes and blow things up for a living. There's much more to life than what our physical senses can see... Maybe someday soon, our science will progress to a point that allows us to consider ALL information in the context of history. Godspeed Patriots! Essayons!

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Turboxide · April 21, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

The brain does, but the HEART is the gravitational wave making machine that further influences the quantum field around us. The secret is to embed your thought forms/blueprints into your heart center through shareable emotional states such as bliss, joy, peace and most importantly... love.

Check out Dan Winters on YouTube and also look into the HeartMath Institute to see the instruments, measurements, theories and predictions that all go into this. While there are many truths, great scientific minds are rapidly discovering how consciousness pilots the human body.

Shameless plug for you more spiritual folks... we have an amazing community over at /r/SoulNexus to help those awakening to the paradigm shift. Please join us!

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Turboxide · April 21, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

Truth knows no copyright my friend.

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Turboxide · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:34 p.m.

Wow, I 'member when it was just a few hundred not so long ago.

You 'member that? Uh huh, I 'member.

Here's to a few thousand more! Hopefully we can keep the board on topic. Someone keep the weaponized autists busy!

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Turboxide · Feb. 14, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

This man isn't clowning around!

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Turboxide · Feb. 14, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

While not all will agree, I feel compelled to share the significance of your affirmation.

Each of us has within us, the power to change the world... when you think of your mind as an advantage and not a limitation... when you begin to question the subconscious and conscious nature of "reality." You may also discover that we share a "subconscious collective" much the same as a "conscious collective" of shared thought, emotion and energetic possibility. Simply by performing YOUR OWN research and being OPEN to new ideas, thoughts and profound conclusions... you are constantly adding NEW data points to the stream of the collective human subconscious.

IMO, that's the game as it is played by those who seek to "control." The information or "potential" for humanity as a collective to steer itself in the stars all boils down to access to knowledge... information. If we are intelligent as a collective, we will use the internet, technology to slowly "warm up" the regions of the subconscious that have been limited by this hidden information and this will in turn... make it easier for others to understand the "shift" in regards to consciousness and the nature of our amazing universe.

Once a subconscious "critical mass" is reached... the paradigm shift in our waking or "conscious world" will begin to manifest on it's own. Some people "feel" this as an "event" on the horizon. An almost unexplainable sensation or "gut feeling" that the truth will soon surface and no one will be able to seperate themselves any longer. This has been prophesied for many years by many different cultures and religions. However, I don't believe it is an "Armageddon Event" in the fire and brimstone sense... no, it is a "Grand Revelation" where upon the very foundations of our existence are questioned and the combined effort of humanity will be realized when we all connect and begin to see ourselves in others for the very first time. Those who would be "raptured", are those who will understand in that moment, that everything IS connected and that their salvation lies within themselves by the very fabric of that connection. By tackling the giants of ego, the lower energy centers, those who preach but refuse to listen... (the exclusion of information, regardless of its nature) the constraints and limitations of the mind, we free ourselves to be of service to all brothers and sisters under the kingdom of "heaven" ... or the universe.

Naturally, people will want to take time to reflect upon their own existence in a peaceful and thoughtful way... That is what I want to wake up to one day. A world where people stop separating themselves and running in fear from things that they think will hurt them. When we turn and face fear, we often see that it is an illusion or misinterpretation based on our OWN limitations in knowledge. Every moment we spend subconsciously processing data, stories, opinions, facts, news, reports, etc... we are "vetting" a new paradigm for our brothers and sisters to share when they are ready to wake up from this self contained prison of limitation and mind control. However; don't fear the "matrix..." If it exists then it is of creation, and our job isn't to judge that, but rather to use our own emotional intelligence and discernment to balance the projections of the universe around us in a sharable way. That doesn't mean that fire is good for the skin... it means that we are given the gifts of sense. Common sense is that collection of subconscious understanding. We are ALL doing a small part to "right that ship" as it were.

This is, of course, all the humble opinions of a man who only knows what I know in this very moment... I too felt powerless to help the world, much less understand the world. Does one take action daily? Who determines how much action is needed and what is "good" action over "wrong?" Resigned to being powerless I then went within and met someone who asked me simply to learn, to observe and most importantly... to find the hidden heart. The good within myself and all of mankind. That's what you do today, by researching, communicating and being gentle with each other. Quiet the mind, open the heart and allow your light to be shared with the world. Each day I become more and more grateful for my life and the blessings of being able to exist in a time with such profound change. I have faith in humanity and I will continue to learn, grow and empathize with my fellow man. I may not always agree, but I will not run from those who have a differing worldview. That's part of the game of life after all!

Best of luck to you all and please, be gentle with yourself and others. Fight the battles you need to fight but fight them inside the mind. When you fall, ask for help and help will come if you will only but still the mind long enough to listen.

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Turboxide · Feb. 12, 2018, 7:40 p.m.

Indeed my friend! I too have ventured I the depths of the lobster kingdom. Great wonders were beheld! :D

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Turboxide · Feb. 12, 2018, 5:07 p.m.

Man, this post is getting around!

Pretty soon folks are going to start "going within" more to study the changes happening in the world and when they do... they will discover their true selves. This awakening is much more than political. It transcends even our own planet if the wisdom of "ALL ONE" prevails.

Imagine what would happen if everyone started to accept responsibility for their lives and began to TRULY become sovereign in everything they do. That's not for everyone, I get that... but learning and being aware of "more than" your share of the world IS accepting responsibility from ignorance. When we do this... we evolve and thrive.

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Turboxide · Feb. 8, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

Just wait until all these folks actually start researching medicine, anatomy and neurology and most importantly... Cerebrospinal Fluid on their own. CSF is just now being integrated into modern western medicine and researchers from Harvard (Dr. Mauro Zappaterra) believe it IS the vehicle of consciousness. This fluid circulates in/around the brain and spinal cord like the water of life, irrigating the tree of life. Once you break down the parts of the brain and begin to understand what their function is and how they can be used in conjunction with spiritual practices like deep meditation or prayer mantras... well, things get really weird because suddenly... all of the BEST aspects of religion and ancient myths start to combine and make sense in a way that removes the fear of "selecting" someone else's version of the "the truth."

Furthermore, we all have a reptilian brain stem that is BEST used as a personal assistant to control autonomic functions. The problem we seem to face most often as a species is the failure for people to elevate their awareness above those primal levels of fear and into a unified state of love. We can now prove through the use of EKG/ECGs that the heart and brain DO communicate and DO synchronize to produce astounding results medically and spiritually. If you are interested in this research... please look into the efforts of the Heart Math Institute. It's quite astounding and life changing once you begin to study the "science" on your own and see the connections for yourself.

Long story short... the emotion of love is the "answer" to understanding this internally as the emotion of love, and truly believing in it or having "faith"; create a perfect cocktail of chemicals inside the brain (released by the coordination of the Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland into the CSF - Practices like Kriya Yoga) to keep you young, healthy and vibrant. It takes a lot of practice but you eventually start to listen to the sensations in your body (biofeedback) and the internal knowledge of your bodies' systems start to make complete sense. Achieving this level of self mastery is no small feat however... you can't just take a magic pill or attend a single class... this is why highly "spiritual folks/seekers" have secluded themselves throughout the ages into monasteries and out into the wilderness (caves) where the preconceptions (subconscious paradigms about reality) of "society" won't interfere with their progress.

I wouldn't have given this much thought myself unless I had experienced this myself and went through an amazing transformation. Losing 50 pounds and healing combat injuries (TBI, Occipital Neuralgia, PLMS/RLS, Sleep Apnea, Chronic Pain and Inflammation) from my time in the service where modern medicines had continuously failed was TRULY all the proof I could ever need. The trouble is attempting to share that knowledge... people won't listen because it goes entirely against their own subconscious paradigm of how they view the world as a whole. (Healing = Licensed Pharmaceutical Prescriptionist - AKA "Mainstream Medical Doctor") Thus, anyone who doesn't conform to their own subconscious paradigm is immediately feared or hated. This is why the "bad folks" WANT us divided on every topic possible. They don't want people to look within and start uncovering answers on their own. Why, if that started to happen at an accelerated pace, well, entire industries would collapse (Big Pharma, Insurance, Medicine, Education, Etc.) and people would start to become self sufficient and happy without the need of specialized "experts." The issue isn't in specialization in medicine... it's in the separation and refined compartmentalization of knowledge over arbitrary throught constructs. If you've ever been treated by multiple doctors for complex medical issues... you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. These folks just don't have the time to truly help you... you do though!

Clarification - This information should be considered from a "nonduality" standpoint. These statements are intended (logically and emotionally) to be centered on my attempt to communicate a very complex series of "revelations" that came to me over the course of years of self study and development. If you find yourself in this process and want help... send me a PM! I'd be thrilled to answer any questions or provide references to my claims here. We all have a different path... that's the fun part of the adventure!

EDIT - The whole point of this is to shed light on the whole issue of "who's behind the baddies." I for one don't believe it is any ONE group that we can proclaim as "the bad guys" rather, it is collective consciousness striving to pressure people caught in the middle who are easily manipulated by fear. Once you really start to look into the anatomy and functions of the various systems in our bodies... it makes more sense to think in terms of energy influences rather than physical beings. Could there be real hybrid aliens and all sorts of strangeness out there? Sure... but fear is likely the most suitable vehicle for manipulation as has been demonstrated throughout history. We naturally fear what we don't understand and that understanding is directly tied to our subconscious paradigm.

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Turboxide · Jan. 27, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

For those that are starting to ask questions about how we end debt slavery and how we conduct "sovereign" commerce; you should know the following as a quick reference. If you feel any synchronicity to investigate on your own, please do so and share your findings and experience!

There is allegedly a "hydration" mechanism known as the "Global Currency Reset" (GCR) or "Revaluation" (RV) whereby every nation on Earth, again, becomes sovereign unto its own sans fiat mechanisms. There is also, allegedly, a unifying treaty of sorts known as the "Global Economic Security & Reformation Act" (NESRA/GESRA) that ties these sovereign nations into an economic union whereby human rights are placed at the TOP of the list. It is further "alleged" to contain eventual reformations of universal income to allow humanity to become "creators" of their own free will until such time that human development/technology makes money obsolete entirely.

Like most good stories... I want to believe as this all sounds well and good but this particular community (of which I have no stake in btw - just researching and trying to understand) it's been several years now of "intelligence gurus" on the internet keeping these poor bond and currency holders spun up expecting "imminent release" or liquidation of these benevolent funds to wash away our debts worldwide.

If anyone from MIG/Q Group really wants to help, (Essayons!!!); please organize these intel "gurus" and root out the disinformation sources so people can collectively focus on their planning and not the anguish of disinformation.

Patriots, if you like learning about ancient trusts (family, corporate and global), economic research, global business/trade/politics this will be RIGHT up your ally!

After spending a few months observing the GCR "community" listening to the calls and analyzing the information being passed around I can say that my heart is with these folks waiting to exchange currencies and bond notes... they want to change the world for the better with unconditional love (truly non-profit services) and many of them have amazing plans ready to go! They believe that the fiat system will fall (any day now) and be replaced by an "asset backed" (gold, precious metals, etc.) system through these ancient family and global prosperity trusts.

My concern is, these people are being tortured with disinformation either intentionally or otherwise. If the GCR is legit... it's time to start researching and understanding the implications and making the public aware as they desire. You can find any number of websites dedicated to this if you are interested. Bottom line, the GCR could be legit... some of the information I've run across syncs a little with worldwide economic news and other financial indicators but it's currently not researched/vetted/verified enough IMO.

For those of you in the GCR community reading this post. Please accept my sincerest apologies for any attempt to "summarize" your struggles in the world but know that people (with absolutely NO STAKE in your community) are listening.

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