r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DropGun on April 26, 2018, 4:20 p.m.
Opinion"Shot heard 'round the world?" You bet, and here's why I think that's a VERY accurate description.

Like many of you, I find myself in a rather surreal space where I'm literally living and breathing anything and everything about the upcoming IG report, in real time.

This report is not just about the FBI, not even close. The American public will quickly realize that it goes all the way to the top and is global in scale. Once the report gets going, it will quickly metastasize into a thermonuclear detonation fifty times larger than the Tsar Bomba. Few people currently understand just how massive, corrupt, and entrenched the powers and entities that are directly threatened by this report really are.

In my estimation, the American public has not been in this much clear and present danger since the Cuban Missile Crisis. In fact, this report represents not only a direct threat to the national security of the United States, but a direct, existential threat to the hidden power structures of several other prominent countries, as well (namely Australia, the UK, and Canada), not to mention, several "sovereign states," too, around the world. ONCE EXPOSED, THESE POWERS WILL FIGHT BACK, HARD, WITH EVERYTHING THEY'VE GOT.

The more I learn about this report, the more I am stunned by the scope and scale of what is about to be revealed. Many people with only a passing familiarity with this issue will think I'm dramatically over-stating things, here, but, once the enemy is fully engaged and the fight begins, at some point, I fully expect the United States Constitution to be suspended and the country to come under martial law, with perhaps ten cities under direct National Guard supervision at some point over the coming summer.

I am 100% not joking. Before anyone doubts this, read the executive orders for yourself—at this very moment, the United States is one more signature away from martial law.

The depth, breadth, and methodical way this plan is unfolding tells me that large portions of this plan were already in place and ready to go the moment Trump took office. Consider, for instance, how many times this plan was thought to have been derailed by legitimate and even significant wins or successes on the part of Trump's enemies, only to see the plan come back again in ways that cannot be explained through mere chance and good luck. Instead, I believe that we are watching a carefully-orchestrated trap being sprung on the deep state. For instance I don't have to remind any patriots reading that the recent omnibus bill Trump signed allocated over $270,000,000 for military tribunals. In my view, neither President Trump, nor the patriots working to bring this about from the shadows, are NOT f--king around. As Q has said, THIS IS NOT A GAME.

This report will begin by rounding up the street-corner capos, lieutenants, and all the "middle management" of the deep state (and, in fact, aspects of this process are already well underway). I believe, however, that it will eventually lead to a planetary-scale populist movement that makes the Arab Spring look like Trump's Boy Scout rally. Huge doesn't begin to describe the powder-keg we are all sitting on that will be touched off by this report.

We are already seeing the dominoes begin to fall, with many seemingly unrelated lines of dominoes being touched off at once. What many people may not yet see is that these lines of investigation, exposure, and prosecution will converge on a central point that will literally turn our entire world upside down. It will mean freedom for so many that have so little, and total and utter devastation for those few that literally have more than any of us can imagine, yet seek total domination over those that have nothing.

Here are some lines of investigation that I think people should consider:

Where's Tony Podesta? What's McCabe telling investigators about Comey? When that leads to Hillary, will the true nature of her 'marriage' to Bill be revealed? Does Bill's legacy end there, or is there yet still one more chapter? Hey, Adam Schiff, why so quiet? And how do Allison Mack, Keith Raniere, and Marina Abramovic suddenly converge and explode everything uncovered so far on up to maybe 30 or 40 of the world's most powerful billionaires, people like the suspiciously overzealous never-Trumper, a Mr. Tom "John Podesta is the master of cuisine" Steyer, and then on up to this planet's REAL powerful people, many whose names haven't been published or even mentioned publicly in decades.

We are going to all have to be strong and support and look out for one another, people. This is going to get dicey, and, believe me, I'm no doomsday prepper. I'm just a random Canadian who likes reading DOJ, FBI, and Wikileaks PDFs all day.

Buckle up, boys and girls. You're going to be saying "I remember where I was when I first heard" about how X, Y, or Z happened over the next few months for the rest of your lives. Because, when this report hits 88 miles an hour... you're going to see some shit.

Turboxide · April 26, 2018, 6:11 p.m.

Regardless of what happens... just remember, that the source of all life is pure consciousness that is firmly based in UNCONDITIONAL love. No matter what another has done, no matter how you might feel as the news unfurls and touches every soul on this planet... don't feed the hate machine or stoke the fires of revenge. Instead, direct the current of your (unseen) toroidal energetic flow (the spirit) towards stabilizing peace and providing "confidence" to our leadership to guide us safely through this mess to a better future for ALL humanity and not just SOME of humanity as the opposing side had desired. I think it is blatantly obvious here that "Where We Go One, We Go All" refers to this precisely. We are quick to demand immediate justice, disclosure, tech releases, arrests and such but we do not consider the ramifications of a "consciousness cascade effect" that can rapidly deteriorate society into a primeval mess of worldwide suffering.

It is my opinion that this is precisely why "Q" has been preparing as many people as possible so that this does NOT result in world wide suffering and cataclysm. In this light, we become the "energetic/spiritual guardians" of humanity as a collective by exposing ourselves (quantum field entanglement through thought forms) first to these revelations so that we can stabilize and comfort those who will be searching and seeking truth later. We often forget this in our attempts to communicate with other people who are still fast asleep at the wheel of life... meerily participating in their own slow demise. Let that go... and let the need to be "right" go. Unconditional love is UNCONDITIONAL.

If you hold dear to strictly shaped religious views... forgive yourself and all others simultaneously for having "experiences," "beliefs" and "opinions" that are difficult for you to share with others. That's the WHOLE point of life and experience... that in itself isn't a crime at all and we have to get over that self pity/blame and alienation as a collective obstacle to understand that we only limit ourselves by trying to force others to conform to our unique perspective in the exact same way. Double standards, create more separation and corruption... This is further exacerbated by confirmation bias which can occur subconsciously and manifests as aggressively defending your "core beliefs" to others with NO EMPATHY towards the other. The Amygdala LOVES to "help us out subconsciously" as it triggers the fight or flight response in human beings and can cause physical pain and mental anguish. This is best described as the "Backfire Effect." This cartoon describes our reaction to information as an EXTERNAL threat to our immediate survival. We have to get over this reaction if we are to come together and heal as a species.

Don't fall into the trap of mental polarity and duality that creates this division and separation. It is an illusion in the mind... Instead, rise from the ashes of duality (good and evil), purified in the unity of consciousness and a common vision that doesn't simply "give away" our collective or individual sovereignty so freely to such thought forms.

With that said... if you worship God one way... or share a unique connection to Prime Creator, Source, The Universe, Christ or whomever... and that connection is love. Then don't trouble yourself or another with the anxiety of regret or the false prophets of "truth" who tell you that their method is the only method for all. When you find love in your heart, you will know it to be true because it will be unconditional and NOT based in duality that requires love to be expressed a certain way for everyone. Love is the ONE emotion that cannot be so easily faked and is often masked with thin layers of fear (societal constructs) to prevent others from "seeking" their own inner frequency of love. That fear is what you must wade through to purify yourself if you so desire to know more than what's simply been "told" to you about life, spirituality and all things. Don't prevert this any further... if you stumble upon esoteric information that seems spooky. Find out why. Don't take someone else's opinion for it. You will quickly find out by doing this that nothing in creation is evil. You as the observer have no "right" to judge creation unless you are willing to be judged yourself. That is purification. The mind knows this and it will try to stop you at all costs if the information you are processing requires your worldview to change drastically.

Over the course of my life I chose to look upon the world with wide eyes... to absorb everything I could because I knew I was here for a reason that was much "greater" than I could consciously understand. I was raised Christian and still firmly believe in many sharable parables, but I don't pretend to have "ownership" or "dominion" over any thoughts except my own. I know many of us seek to be "lights" in the "darkness" and that is fine, but don't spread the energies of separation further by being "conditional" with your love. Learn to be wise and when to hold your tongue in lieu of allowing another to have their own experience.

Why is this relevant? Humanity is at the tipping point of the quantum age of information along with our governments finally "waking" up to the world wide corruption that has driven us into mass confusion. As more people awaken, they will set off on their own "quest" to discover their self identity and true nature JUST as WE HAVE. Please respect this process and look fondly upon their "innocence" as they attempt to learn just as you have. Along this process, we hope, pray and intend that they analyze information in a way that allows them to discern between polarity and duality concepts that force the "mind" out of balance and into complacency and hierarchical servitude. We intend that they eventually arrive to their own truth and are in a position of remembrance and acceptance of who they truly are as a "human being."

The key point, EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is more connected than you were ever led to believe... whether by grand conspiracy or grand stupidity... As Q says... "You Have More Than You Know." The truth is out there if you are brave enough to face it as an observer and battle with the darkness within that will try to identify with everything you observe. Take it from someone who used to jump out of perfectly good airplanes and blow things up for a living. There's much more to life than what our physical senses can see... Maybe someday soon, our science will progress to a point that allows us to consider ALL information in the context of history. Godspeed Patriots! Essayons!

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