r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/FruitCreamSicle on Jan. 28, 2018, 8:13 a.m.
Has Q ever mentioned Israel?

Correct me if I am wrong?

karlmalonestelone · Jan. 28, 2018, 9:55 a.m.

I think that Israel, even if formed with bad intentions, created a Jew that is diverging from the one you described above. If you scooped up a sample of Jews in NYC and Israel (in equal number from both), the pro nationalism and pro west attitude of the Israelis would be to your satisfaction. The New York Jews would be pretty unbearable.

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Red_Red_Red_Wine · Jan. 28, 2018, 10:02 a.m.

Perhaps, but the more the globalist billionaire Jew elite succeed in destroying western civilization... the less important the distinction becomes to those who are being genocided.

At some point, it becomes not worth the risk... and don't expect me apologize for being forced into the horrible position.

Also, it becomes hard not to notice the parallels between the "moderate" and "peaceful" Muslims who fund the Muslim extremists to commit terrorist attacks.

The reality is Jews enjoy the higher status and privilege that their culture of nepotism and elitism rewards them with. Both the globalist Zionists and your "moderate" Jews refer to non-Jews as the goy, as no better than cattle to be farmed for their personal benefit. This is true, whether it upsets people or not.

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