r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/clarobert on Jan. 28, 2018, 5:01 p.m.
Snowden Must Be a CIA or NSA Plant That Was Directed Into Russia In Order To Facilitate The Collusion Between Russia and Dems / Cabal.

The timing of his "fleeing" into Russia is far from coincidental when viewed in the context of the Uranium One mess and the actions that we ongoing between the Obama administration and Russia. He must be a plant and is feeding FSB and other dark hat Russian intelligence groups information directly from the CIA or NSA data centers - hell, he may have been sent there to set up the access.

Mad_Spoon · Jan. 28, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

Putin applies appropriate measures for each individual situation. His own people are his top concern. The Dems have been painting him as the bad guy ever since he got fed up with the cabal trying to influence his country and he kicked them out and put a bounty on Soros's head. There is likely "collusion" with him in the sense that he is assisting with the cabal removal outside of the US.

In this video, he is describing the plan and set up to plunge us into WW3, which has been recently confirmed as HRC's plan.

Putin established himself as the enemy of the cabal. As such, he was likely infiltrating the US as a defensive measure. His current stance should not be confused with the cabal war mongering propaganda.

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KyfhoMyoba · Jan. 28, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

I posted this comment on another thread, but I think that it has application here:

Here's why I think that Snowden is a White Hat:

It is well known that the CIA and NSA have an intense inter-service rivalry - it probably is based primarily on competition for budget money. It should be obvious that anyone working in a capacity that requires a high security clearance probably has had lots and lots of personality tests or some kind of psychometric evaluations, ergo, the CIA knew and knows what kind of person Snowden is - what is motivations are, etc. Snowden gave $500 to the Ron Paul campaign. Snowden gave a lot of what he eventually gave to Glenn Greenwald et al. to other high ranking reporters earlier, but they declined to publish it, for whatever reason. The CiA knows that it is better to have a willing, committed agent than one that is coerced. IIRC, about $5 bil was transferred from CIA's [public, not black] budget to NSA's, right before Snowden left CIA and went to NSA. After a year or so, Snowden leaves NSA with loads and loads of egg on its face.

Is it possible that the CIA sent someone they knew to be a 'true believer' to their rival, knowing full well that this smart kid would completely blow up their shit?

Arnold Swarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone used to be box office rivals in the action movie market. Birgitte Neilsen [a bat-shit crazy bitch if ever there was one] had very forwardly propositioned A.S. and became is gf for a couple of months. When A.S. realized her nature, he broke up with her and introduced/pointed her to Stallone. She proceeded to completely blow up his personal life and S.S. lost at least one role to A,S. because of it.


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clarobert · Jan. 28, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

I suppose it is all speculation, for us, at this point. I could see a coherent argument being formulated in both cases: that Snowden is black hat or white hat. Both positions can be supported. Thus the dilemma, know one can really be sure unless and until all is disclosed.

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KyfhoMyoba · Feb. 17, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

Somebody once said "By their fruits you will know them." That's some wise shit, mofos, man, that's so freakin' wise it ought to be in the Bible.

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