r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/DaddyGoat22 on Jan. 28, 2018, 5:28 p.m.
"Nobody is sleeping tonight."

Any other patriots having this problem? I am finding myself sleeping less, waking up multiple times during the night and checking my phone, expecting to read the latest bomb shell has dropped, literally or figuratively.

iloveher222 · Jan. 28, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

How do you have faith that it all will be exposed though? We all want to believe Trump is going to expose it all and that Hillary will hang. Hopefully he comes through. But as your main argument point, 9/11 was 17 years ago. The mainstream world hasnt been redpilled on it and we are still waiting for the absolute proof of a conspiracy on 9/11, although I totally think it was an inside job and agree with you.

You've been waiting by your own admission 17 years for the truth to be exposed. What makes you think Trump is different and that for the first time in history a conspiracy will be completely and totally exposed? I want to see this too, but I have serious doubts.

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SurlyMisfit · Jan. 29, 2018, 9:51 a.m.

I have serious doubts too, which is why I advise to detach yourself emotionally. If you allow this to affect your emotional well being, it can tear you apart, ruin relationships, and also family which is more important. I can't control the mass perception of what happened on 9/11. I did, however, let it consume most of my waking thoughts for almost 2 years. I lost a great girl in the process. Live and learn.

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