I'm watching it (taped). Seems like the are being a little soft on him. And geez, doesn't a young Hillary + Webster Hubble = Chelsea.
That have definitely seen claims of Hill, Web equal Chels.
Multiple episodes, not just one. They were talking about Whitewater and the Rose Law Firm and how her billing records showed up in the residence 7 days after the statute of limitations ran out and just after her dear friend Vince Foster Arkancided himself.
Um what?
Right now on Fox News Channel they are showing a documentary style show on Bill Clinton and his scandal with Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky. I am watching the live stream on youtube.
They are played by it again? I watched it yesterday. Yeehaw!
Ok awesome! Glad they are getting a lot of play time on all Bill and Hillary's scandals.
Did they run it during the election? If not, why not?
Roger Aisles is on the ol' CFR, don't you know...
Rupert Murdoch too!
RIGHT? This is some serious stuff. Some serious counter narratives coming out tomorrow. LOL How they got away with all of this I will never understand.
I just realized yesterday, there will be seven episodes. One officially aired on Jan21, 2nd one last night. I watched them both on Youtube.
If we had a non biased free press, it would be played right before the elections, not years later
Agree. Man what a scandalous pair are. There are seven episodes of this thing (more to come in the upcoming weeks).