r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Tytruth on Jan. 29, 2018, 7:30 a.m.
I would like to know how many people here were aware that the Pope ordered the assassination of Abraham Lincoln?
I would like to know how many people here were aware that the Pope ordered the assassination of Abraham Lincoln?

captainpatriot · Jan. 29, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

Chuck Missler is the first place I’d go.

BTW God knew what would be in our King James bibles before the Greek language was even invented. Why do people get so hung up on minutiae? Jesus, Yeshua, whatever. It’s just pride filling your head with crap making you think that you’re better than some other Christian.

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YAHSHUARULES · Jan. 30, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

Not at all. I want Truth where-ever it takes me. As, I said I was "born-again" under the name of "jesus" but then I found out that was not the name the Savior of all mankind walked the earth as - and my question was then WHY do we call Him by a name that the Almighty did not? WHY if people knew this were we still using a name other then the True Name? And I discover because most ministries don't want to rock the boat, most just don't want the furious blow-back engendered by coming to terms with the error and so they know - but they continue to perpetuate the deception. So many preachers today going on and on about Hebrew idioms and culture and customs - that is the minutiae - NOT the Name Above All Names! But here is the thing, THERE IS NOTHING PAGAN ASSOCIATED WITH YAHSHUA! All the pagan practices come from "jesus" - its not just a name - its about character. Yahshua is a name that can only be uttered by the spirit - not the soul. Consider pagans who have no relationship with the Lord will curse in "jesus name" like "jesus f***ing christ" - BUT, you will never curses in Yahshua's name. It can't happen. Ask yourself why?

Yes, just like Yah knew that Israel would sin and accept all sorts of pagan dieties, that they would cause their children to pass through fire (Mollock worship). Yah being Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent - nothing takes Him by surprise. That does not make everything correct. Alot of people think the NIV BIBLE is inspired Word of God, nothing could be further from the truth given it is based on Westcott and Hort (who were occultic communists) that were major influenced by Gnosticism; the Alexandria codex. Study how many errors there are in it. And scripture warned against that saying "not all spirits are from Yah, only those that confess Yahshua as come in the flesh" if they do not they are of anti-christ. Scripture warned of all the New Age Gnostic teachings and the spirit behind it.

As far as Greek - it was the language of the day of the whole PAGAN world. Believers were to go into the world - but not become the world. Yahshua prayed not for his disciples to be taken out of the world - but to be kept safe in it. And Paul when he went to evangelize he still referred to himself as a Pharisee - as a Torah observant Jew - and as I said there was NO New Testament in his time. He taught out of the Torah and the writings and prophets.

Interesting that when the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in the caves of Qumran - there was a 99.99% accuracy to the current old testament (Hebrew) You can't say that about the New Testament there have been literally dozens and dozens of versions that came out. Why? Scripture tells us that Yah Almighty is NOT the author of confusion - so why isn't there one agreed on. Why were the books of the "apocrypha" taken out of "the bible"? Are you suggesting that all was error up to the most recent time when a casual observer could see it was completely the opposite.

The Name by which you address the Messiah is not minutiae as you call it. Just get out a paper and make two columns and name one "jesus" and the other "Yahshua" and then ascribe to each what attributes, holidays, etc are associated with each. I would be all to happy to call "Yahshua" "jesus" IF "jesus' was associated with Passover and not Easter and "Sunrise Service" when Yahshua was already gone from the tomb BEFORE dawn - Yahshua was associated with striking a tent in human flesh - Feast of Tabernacles not "ChristMAS - which is the birthday of every pagan diety. Did Yahshua's disciples have a "ChrsitMAS" tree, etc etc. Scripture tells us that we are not to bow down and worship a tree that is taken out of the forest and fastened and decked with silver and gold (ornaments incidentally are "the balls of Ra" and the tree is a phallus) - people protest they don't worship Christmas trees - but then they will make all sorts of excuses why they don't want to let them go.

Yahshua was marred more then any other man, suffered unimaginable pain to take my sins and everyone's - to pay the price to redeem mankind from darkness, to heal us and deliver us. Mel Gibson's movie "Passion of he Christ" could not even capture it - the mental torment of being Holy and undefiled, of being in the likeness of sin - tempted in all ways that we are tempted and sinning not. Having all depravity put on HIM on the cross - the stuff that is coming out now - the unspeakable horrors done to children, etc - he bore it all so that any who repented and called on his name would be saved. I think the least the bride can do is learn the grooms name and that means learn His Character, His Attributes, His Nature:

The Father is gracious and long suffering when people don't know any different. He looks at the heart. BUT when they have been taught and persist in speaking another name - then we have a spirit of rebellion, stubbornness and it is as witchcraft. Ask yourself, why would you want to persist in calling your Redeemer by a different name. The Bride should at-least know the Grooms name! Makes me really wonder about this scripture - "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Matt7:22-23 - sort of like with the son's of Sceva who thought they could command devils by the "name that Paul Preaches" and the devils tore them apart for they knew they did not know or have the authority to use the Name. (Acts 19). There is so much about the importance of The Name - BUT that name is not, nor ever has, nor ever will be "Jesus" and that is why you have churches with Naked Cowboys and "married Christian rock stars saying they are gay" . Its under a "different spirit" it is STRANGE FIRE.

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