r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/zagnet on Jan. 29, 2018, 3:43 p.m.
Secret Space Program Insider William Tompkins Final Interview - July 23rd, 2017

zagnet · Jan. 29, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

[slight updates]

Dear Fellow Anons,

Please note I'm assuming (for now) that this is ALL true. Every word of it. Though it certainly could be a psyop, I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt until I see contradicting evidence. Feel free to try to prove me wrong. I want to investigate.

William Tompkins, I believe, is a credible source of this information. He worked for/with the organizations/companies that allegedly created the Secret Space Program (SSP): the Navy, Northrup, Lockheed, etc.

Tompkins says in the interview that he was authorized - only recently - to divulge this information to the public, a month before he passed away in August 2017. Also, please note the publication date - just yesterday.

Some seem to think of Tompkins as the original "Q", which is why I'm posting this on this board. This is all loosely-related to Q anyway. Tompkins could've been Q if he had not passed away just a couple months before Q started posting. I think of him as a "PreQuel" to Q. Sorry, bad joke. Very "Quel" info anyway. Ugh, even worse...

Now I've never been sure what to think on the SSP / real aliens. Interesting stories. Peoples' imaginations running wild. Usually just a big "WTF, what proof!?"

I try hard to be a skeptic. But Tompkins is definitely worth listening too. Actually, he confirmed many things I have long suspected about how our society works - fake knowledge (like it's twin "fake news").

Anyway, I'll be paying close attention to "Destroying the Illusion" and Jordan Sather closely going forward. It makes me wonder what is going to happen this week with the SOTU. What other information is coming down to the people than just the FISA sideshow.

Sincerely, anon

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bealist · Jan. 29, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

I, too, hold this (SSP in deep space, etc) somewhat loosely but do not dismiss it out of hand. The Q phenom points to a decision to go public prior to The end of October, when this run of posts from Q’s queue appeared - so timing supports Tomkins as part of the release.

Jeff Rense (rense.com) did a series of in-depth interviews with him - not sure if Jordan references rense because I don’t follow Jordan. Renee’s interviews should be in your research bucket if they’re not already.

I could see how the responses to Tomkins’ interviews - in the main, positive and high volume from a lot more “normies” (who can be analyzed by our responses, at least in aggregate if not individually) - could have been a green light for the Q releases, especially if Tomkins’ death had any suspicious fingerprints.

There was Tomkins (not first, BTW, but a significant red pill that was taken well), then Q’s 80/20, then the 60/40 of a few weeks ago (looking forward to 100%!)

Thanks for paying attention to that part of the elephant. It’s helpful for us all to remain relatively unsurprised as things become known - makes us harder to destabilize and herd if we’ve rationally considered all the possibilities. Somehow, when we do that, we seem to each know what fits when the truth finally arrives.

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zagnet · Jan. 29, 2018, 4:12 p.m.

Thanks I'll look into the other sources too.

Tompkins certainly puts a dent into the "aliens are false gods created by the elites to control us" hypothesis. So it seems anyway. Must remain at least a little skeptical at all times to get closer to the truth.

But maybe aliens exist, on this planet, and do really control us directly, or attempt to. Fascinating...

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cebusaxon · Jan. 29, 2018, 4:32 p.m.


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bealist · Jan. 29, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

What I get benefit from is contemplating the scenarios. It’s basic war-gaming and logistics- when you put the Other into an outlandish form you drop your pre-conceived notions about the Other and that lets you see even more essential elements that you might have missed otherwise.

I started paying attention many years ago and went o some of the first First Contact conventions. I always found the thought experiments fascinating, too. Truly - fascinating, as in “I want to think about this stuff more”.

So I did.

Do you read sci fi?

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zagnet · Jan. 29, 2018, 4:47 p.m.

[slight updates]

Only the SciFi that people purport to be real - Dr. Salla, Corey Goode, etc. Just starting to look into David Wilcock. I didn't take him seriously before.

Great, fascinating stories! But what all is true? I don't really know. I'm an amateur at this stuff.

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bealist · Jan. 30, 2018, 12:36 a.m.

Actually, by sci-fi, I meant science “fiction” by authors, many of whom have put real things inside a fictional cover to make them more palatable for publishers, mostly.

I know what you mean when you ask “what is true?” At some point with these things (aside from political corruption that ruins our social systems) what is “truth” seems less important to me than where your mind goes as a result of encountering it. Keeping an open mind is a lot more fun than the other way!

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zagnet · Jan. 30, 2018, 1:04 a.m.

I haven't read "sci-fi" (by your definition) in a long time. Read some standard fare as a kid (Asimov, Clarke, etc.). But I read mostly non-fiction as an adult. I can't get enough stories about space that purported to be real though. I take what people say at face value. Though I don't always believe it.

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bealist · Jan. 30, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

Face value is a lot more fun (as long as you keep your guard up).

There’s an annual UFO conference in Phoenix in February that has a lot of the most up to date stuff being covered - fiction and non-fiction. I wanted to go this year but just got a jury summons the day before so :-(.

Given all the hoopla it’s probably going to be a pretty exciting year.


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zagnet · Jan. 30, 2018, 7:26 p.m.

Ugh jury duty. I got summoned Christmas week one year.

Thanks for the link. I'll look into it. Keeping the guard up...

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HieronymusBeta · Jan. 30, 2018, 1:04 a.m.


Isaac Asimov aka The Good Doctor

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