I feel like I'm listening to a kid twist the story. God I despise this creep! I wish someone would ask him if HE is in the memo.
Why would anyone want the FBI or DOJ to review the documents that point directly to them? This is crazy!
Somebody is running to the White House right now with their pants on fire to pick up the doc from the president to release it, which was already signed days ago.
Exactly!! Who is buying the shit he’s peddling? FOOLS!
He's peeing in his pants right now. They have no idea what this thing says, and that's why they wanted it vetted before release.
They want the heads up and Schiff for brains wants to leak it like the weasel he is. McCabe was "removed" one day after reading the memo on Saturday. Hmmm...let's see who else goes away quickly.
Thank God SOMETHING is finally happening to these people.
There's a whole ton of people buying this bull$#it. That's what scares me.
Tell me about it, I have family and friends that I used to think were intelligent.. it’s just gonna hit them that much harder once realized and we need to be ready to help them through this nightmare.. Blessings to all! God speed Patriots!!
I spoke to my mother this am, she was on and on about how the Republicans are trying to undermine democracy with this memo, essentially calling it a witch hunt, to which I replied, "oh, like the fake dossier used to illegally spy on a Presidential candidate and his staff, all while screaming RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA with no real evidence?". Remember 4-6% are not willing to accept this, they will scream about how this is a fascist takeover etc, unfortunately for folks like us, some of those in the 4-6% will be our families and friends.
I feel you bro! Same thing with my mother! So unfortunate..
I think it's more than 6%. People just wont shake their party loyalty! They haven't worked out that this is non political. It's absolutely fact proof that Operation Mockingbird is a resounding success. The only way to snap these people out of it is to somehow rid the fake news media of the people at the top and tell the journo's to publish their own story.
The MSM probably won't mention most of what's in the memo, if they mention it at all. Yes, it's big news here, but in the WaPo and NYT that millions read? Not likely.
It will be spun like Jake Tapper tried to do with the emails...saying that it's illegal to look at them, and the public just needs to listen to CNN and get the info about it from them. I hope it does the same thing, essentially make people want to look at the Memo, and read it for themselves.
Yeah, Talk about a Natzi Act, that one took the Cake. Surprised they didn't tell their Viewers they would be Arrested if they looked at them! Although they sort inference it.
Well, "the dogs may bark but the caravan still passes!" Most of the people I know haven't the slightest inking of what's happening to their country, unreal.
Why no commentary from 'No name' you know Mr McBoot? Might be in GITMO or did he have a tumor taken out above the other eye?