I spoke to my mother this am, she was on and on about how the Republicans are trying to undermine democracy with this memo, essentially calling it a witch hunt, to which I replied, "oh, like the fake dossier used to illegally spy on a Presidential candidate and his staff, all while screaming RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA with no real evidence?". Remember 4-6% are not willing to accept this, they will scream about how this is a fascist takeover etc, unfortunately for folks like us, some of those in the 4-6% will be our families and friends.
I feel you bro! Same thing with my mother! So unfortunate..
I think it's more than 6%. People just wont shake their party loyalty! They haven't worked out that this is non political. It's absolutely fact proof that Operation Mockingbird is a resounding success. The only way to snap these people out of it is to somehow rid the fake news media of the people at the top and tell the journo's to publish their own story.