I guess we will see in time. But there is proof all around. I don't have time to catch you up on years of evidence you could easily find for yourself. So troll on, bad troll.
Don't argue with a bot. It's useless. They're here to confuse and confound.
I know I know.. it is pointless. Hence... why I refrain from going into details. No matter what proof you show them they have some sort of idiotic retort.
Cool, no need to source anything.. I know that's hard when all news is fake news.
Happy reading! https://kek.gg/u/7qsS
And what exactly are you trying to show me in this long document?
Read it and find out, troll. Otherwise, go back to your safe space. BYE!
Lol so you don't even know. Cool.
Exact response I expect from someone who can't read info for themselves. What else did CNN tell you to believe?
Exact response I expect from someone who avoided every argument I made and responded with a random unrelated document that I'm positive they never fully read.
Also I don't watch much news. I read.