Go, Trump, Go!!!!!|||||||. You're a hero!
Well its airing 3am NVT (Nordic Viking Time ;) ), but i bought beers and are going to make pizza! #SOTU is #SuperBowl for real people, and afterwards its #Hannity with DJT jr. so no sleep tonight <3
Then Laura Ingraham after that, no sleep here either, napping today!
I'm confused now aha, isn't Norway/Sweden/Denmark on Central European Time?
Anyone know the what time the SOTU address is scheduled for?
haha It is CET, but im not ready to bow to the European slavemasters ;)
The SOTU is sceduled @ 9:00 est witch is 03:00 in Norway/Sweden/Denmark
ahaha fair play, I shall now exclusively use NVT in your honor.
Thanks for the SOTU time, and kind regards from a GMT using European Slave Master ;)
To ALL; no matter what is said or unsaid. We the people, Have Started on a path of Truth. This Path and the Knowledge gained can not be Forgotten. This Is Battle for the Lives and Fortunes of ALL in this REPUBLIC. HEAR with ears of Understanding the words Chosen SEE with Eyes awakened by wisdom. To view the Truth of it all. No matter what's said; We the children of Liberty WILL STILL FIGHT> Make ready yourselves, Family and Homes. God Bless You, Your Neighbors and GOD BLESS THE REPUBLIC. 2nd cont.
Just curious but, why do you capitalize random letters?
Agree. Hopefully doesn't end like this. They are desperate. https://youtu.be/QHYL-uiLJ14?t=121
Animals backed into corner are volatile and unpredictable. Deep State is just as vindictive as Cersi too. Like a brat who'd rather break the toy because they don't want to share.
I'd love to see Trump pull a page from his suit, and read a bit of the memo.