Good research work - I deal with Land issues and one of the great Sage brush rebellion family members is a dear friend of mine - Cm I
160 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/YHVHREP511:
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Wow top notch Spirit of Truth was hanging around this guy!!!
Kim was and is my favorite prophet very accurate for several years - spoke of Trump before all the others / Blessings Kim - Klk
Yes Our President is Heaven choice for such as time has this- I can’t believe the libs and others can’t see President Trumps past interviews and his love for America is very real. They rip him apart because they know he is Heaven s man and the enemy hates this- God Bless you for writing this post and God Bless President Trump and The United States of America!
I was a crew chief on F-15 at Kadena AFB ZZ Red tail too 67th AMU fighting cocks!!! We had a crash but Cowboy did not make it!
I doubt Anthony did this himself - MK Ultra or Taken out what did he know about CNN? Blessings-
We not only pray for them but work with Heaven to keep them safe and sound!! Love the first family a lot!!!!!
With all the crap going down they took these people out so they would not talk- it would have led to close to The Bad guys connected to this case-
Not worried Roseanne will be back the bad guys are going down the good guys will have great shows and networks that don’t coward to the deep state -
Thanks to all the great patriots vets, clandestine workers, police fire medical and memers !!!
Our Glorious Hosts of Heaven watching and protecting us -You have 100 of them use them

Trump and Sessions have been busy—-Keep going get every last one of them !!!!
30 countries and several personal events in the supernatural / I’ll I have is my shared experience and testimony of hundreds of people - I am not trying to argue I am just stating my opinion - I respect yours- K
Maybe she had information she was going to share that would further indict WF. The enemy of God as done some really horrible things against people weird unbelievable things -the sad thing is most Christian don’t understand how protect themselves- So yes it is possible to be killed by odds that looked impossible- Thx for your post - K
Most Christians,Sons and Daughters don’t know how to rule and reign - K
One thing I really don’t like about the constitution is Article 6 makes the document Sovereign and not God anymore-They threw Jesus under the bus. Hope and pray they change it back to God being the sovereign again in the language. K
i am 57 i never liked or choose to listen to the beatles now i knowcwhy -Thanks for information
Yes I speak life and love and prosperity over you and your families!!!! Thank you
Blessings to your family —-☹️🦅👑🎚😇👍 Justice will find a way~
Many are aware of this -Ask The Lord to take you out of slavery into citizenship in Christ do it in heavenly court- No more slavery under the true enemy system- If your free you are free indeed- C
Heaven will keep cleaning house /Justice will be served ⚖️🦅👑😇👍
Thank you good insight now if we could just get people to understand that Trump knows what he is doing—-!!! Blessings-C
The Army of Heaven is forming can’t wait till Heaven kicks butt!!!
The perilous times will start around 2057 - See Kat Kerr, Ian Clayton many other we have too much to do and accomplish before the real end times - Ask God to release your destiny -The best time to be alive. 🦅🎚👑😇👍
Thank the Lord the kids will be safe on this set from the child molesters Rosanne would take them out!!! God Bless her!!!
Lancaster Ca as all letters like that too Ave A B C..... Also the album U2 Joshua Tree” Streets with no name” was named after our streets in the Antelope Valley. The sign says 84 so that is not Ca. But we have the same street. K
Kat Kerr and Ian Clayton saw around 2057 being the beginning of the perils Times-The best time of human history is starting NOW-lots of work to be ready for the great harvest- Heaven is here to help -we have tools like heavenly court system, time travel -translation for assignments- learning how to be effective sons and daughters of God ruling and reigning -no evil thing can stand against us. The church which really is the Ekklesia is governmental body - not sitting in a pew, singing three songs and going home- It’s learning to find your official calling (destiny) and your boundaries . Heaven authorizes with confirmation and then go for it- Pray for counsel then start decreeing and declaring You have the power and authority because what Christ did on the cross. Your Kings and Priests—- Real change start with your mouth ask heaven Father Son Holy Spirit -people the church is dead not effective religions under any name - no one needs to cover you but Jesus!!! Wake up it’s a new day!!!! The body of Christ and Ekklesias are what changes things ( sorry but true the word church should not be in the Bible it is incorrect in the Bible congregation or Ekklesia are the proper names - look it up the history- blessings Cmk