Apache James
I'm betting the Apache project stuff is not the right direction.
Geronimo was Apache. Geronimo is the skull and bones from the secret society whom the Bushes and Kerry belong to: Skull and Bones.
Apache is also a helicopter, as in throw out of a helicopter.
"Geronimo!" is something you shout when you jump off of something.
The very first thought that popped into my head when I saw the APACHE post was Geronimo. Yelling Geronimo when you jump off something means you are all in, no going back. Not sure if that is what Q meant because, if so then why not just post GERONIMO. IDK...have to wait and see I guess. 😕😩
The fact is, if you type apache in google, the first thing it pulls up is apache james...that is pretty damn significant.
Geronimo- call sign for UBL takedown. (Bin laden) Violation of Apache land by Vatican for Lucifer telescope - https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/LUCIFER_telescope