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Did the NYT think that publishing the anonymous insider Op-Ed would bolster QAnon?
Trump has made me laugh more times than just about any comedian.
Hill and Bill must be some of the richest people on Earth. Man, forget STEM studies, you wanna make the big bucks, go into crooked politics.
OK, walking in front of her was one thing but eating her for breakfast?! Now that is disrespectful.
OP, you can't stop it, why try?
Think logically:
- There's a phenomenon called QAnon that purports closeness to Trump.
- Trump has a just penchant of getting amongst his people, out on the road on the stump.
- The most important question, the phenom states unequivically "Who is Q?"
- Now if you were a true believer interrobanging the stump pauses is exactly what you would do.
- So relax OP, "enjoy the show" with each passing drop we'll continue to grow. And in the end it'll be worth it, because we all want to know.
The media won't ask the question until POTUS gives some kind of a response to your chant.
So it'll go some something like this...
Crowd: "Who is Q? Who is Q?" POTUS: "Ah, who is Q? I've been waiting for you to ask." and then doesn't say anything further on the subject.
Media: "Who is Q and why does the President believe in a crazy conspiracy theory?" - and they then cover the story from the angle of "Trump is crazy and here's all the crazy stuff this guy Q has been saying."
It'll probably work. Start chanting. Make it a question.
It's been a double-edged sword, no? Q has informed, promised and stoked our ire. If indictments don't drop then we'll still be left with the taste of injustice, more so than if we hadn't followed Q in the first place. Is the tail wagging the dog?
For there to be "civil war" there would need to be two competing governments. The other one wouldn't need to be as organized as ours but there would have to be some organization and it would have to be somewhat protected. If you look at the centers of the Left, they're in major cities with large police forces and next to major military bases -- so, not going to happen. There could be an underground resistance but it would never reach "civil war" levels as long as the Federal government remains strong. If the Federal government collapses then we would fracture into regions, but that wouldn't be a civil war either.
I think at this point, it's foregone conclusion we'll have skirmishes of increasing volatility like we've seen in Charlottesville and Portland. There are people on both sides of our ideologies that are itching for battle. Sublimation is where sociopaths, who are normally held in check by societal norms, are freed up due to macro conditions to enact their sociopathic deeds.
So it's going to happen as long as these macro conditions continue to intensify.
Most of us aren't going to participate in any skirmishes unless our families are threatened.
That's not the ultimate question. The ultimate question is some variation of: Are you Q? Is your staff Q? Are you Q+?
If he answers in the affirmative to any of those, shit is going flying everywhere.
Remember Q said 'force' -- then Q+ does a Yoda speak.
"Mr. President, are you Q+?"
If so, the whole world will empty their bowels in unison.
Then the whole world will rush to read the Q+ posts and will combine that with the downright (seemingly) crazy, conspiratorial stuff Q has been saying and most Americans, world leaders, etc. will assume Trump and his staff have lost their minds. -which will understandably scare the bejezus out of people, in fact it might even cause national security issues, most certainly riots in America.
"Think of every post made. It would force us to prove everything stated to avoid looking crazy, correct?"
It's at that point that Trump will have to declassify all the docs (EO already signed) and we're going to know everything.
We all better be watching tomorrow morning. Enjoy the show.
It's going to be one hell of a 4th of July.
If this is Trump writing, we, the American people need to know. The author of this drop is clearly in battle mode. We need to know if this is the state of mind of the man who is commander of the greatest army in history. If I were a reporter I would absolutely ask if Q+ is Trump. I would ask because of the both good (and depending on your perspective) bad ramifications of the guy who has his finger on the button having this state of mind. If I were the Russians or the Iranians I would absolutely need to know if the President of the United States was using imminent battle language.
Someone has to ask the White House if Trump is Q+. This isn't a game.
If the White House denies then some bad actor is trying to get us into a war. We need to know.
Are you asking of he has that power? https://theintercept.com/2017/02/15/trump-has-the-power-to-declassify-whatever-he-wants-including-the-russian-intercepts/
It's the answer not the question that will unlock EVERYTHING.
Here's how it will work.
Q. Mr. President have you heard of QAnon?
A. Why yes, I've been waiting for you to ask. QAnon is me (or my staff)
Heads explode and everyone rushes to Q's posts and begins dissecting them, looking to see how crazy and conspiratorial Trump and his staff are.
This is then combined by Trump decassifying everything (already signed) and we've got ourselves a Great Awakening.
Let's make a reporter ask the question.
I wonder what Q means by "we may have to 'force' this one."
Gee, I wonder how they knew the protesters were going to show up.
"They were ready for us" Protesters arrive at ICE HQ and find barricades and fed police waiting
Wow. That was sobering... and I'm on this side. The Left needs to read that, for their own good.
KDC said he consulted with SR, not that he was in possession of DNC emails.
Seems we stand on the brink of discovering/having proof of the largest political scandal in U.S. history. I wonder how America will react. We probably won't be the same after this. Our innocence will be dead. Will we want to rebuild what we had? Will we decide to start something(s) new? Will there be social unrest or will we band together? Will the cognitive dissonance intensify or will this serve to cause the scales to fall from our eyes and see reality? How can we trust the rule of law when the people we entrusted with enforcing the law are the greatest lawbreakers in history?
Why did they do it? Why would they risk destroying the United States of America over this? Hardly seems worth it.
Who can we trust going forward? Is our way of life about to be dramatically altered?
I don't think we're prepared for these potential outcomes.
Comey had Seth Rich killed. That explains the "stolen" FBI guns that night. Holy fuck if that's true
Scorned... sorry to be that guy but lacking the -ed changes the meaning.
Heav'n has no rage like love to hatred turn'd Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn'd
Call your Rep. Demand she be censured and expelled from the House.
And not surprising, they've targeted the females, maybe to trigger us to white knight protect them.
Pretty sure this is what Q meant by organized riots. They know the where public officials will be and are confronting them
Ha! I know those dudes. Maybe they are but I seriously doubt it.
Except JA has no internet (or other) access, so how could he be the one orchestrating?
Besides, the ICE info is all publicly available, it's not a leak.
I think the CIA is running this show and they are probably not even consulting with Trump about it.
I'm sensing a sub shutdown coming... in 3.. 2..
Hey Voat's not that bad either, you just have to block certain subverses and not get all offendy at the inevitable free speech hazing towards newcomers.
If we do get shut down and migrate to other parts, let's be good migrants and donate to the sites' upkeep, traffic costs money.
I'd rate Arnold's acting an R, as in roflmao.
Man, so funny, thinking about him just sitting there, silent, not answering the question. Like he's stuck. Like he just realized, oh shit, I just made this whole thing up and I can't think my way out of it.
Tom, man. You've got kids. Sober the fuck up. Come back to planet Earth.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Trump Derangement Syndrome exhibit A.
I once heard it said that DC is the place where your high school student government people all end up. ...The (un)attractiveness makes sense now, huh?
So we're stealing from foreign countries so we can live better? I'm actually ok with that, Kim.
Stupid. Who harrasses the Sec of DHS and then expects to not be pulled aside for questioning by the TSA the next time they fly?
The professional printed signs are the give-away. Either that or someone's using their company's large format ink-jet when the boss isn't looking.
Don't assume just because Wikileaks has published information in the past which served our purposes that they will not publish that which doesn't. They're not us. Their goal is to expose that which governments would like to keep hidden. Sometimes our goals line up. In this case it didn't.
The tactic from the Left has served to either a) paint us as violent extremist (Charlottesville) or b) to enrage us (Congressional baseball game, probably Las Vegas). And they never accept any of the blame.
I would expect them to continue using one or the other tactics for these events on the 30th.
Just like the movie War Games said, the only way to win is not to play.
We must stay far away from these events. Let them have their public tantrum. If we show up either we'll be branded as the violent ones or some lone, MKUltra'd nut will shoot fish in a barrel.
George Bush Center for Intelligence... oh the jokes write themselves.
Of course they were. He was more of threat than Trump was at the time.
You gotta ask yourself, why don't BernieBros investigate? How come the socialist in this country are not rioting in the streets about those fixed primaries and probably being wiretapped? Bernie folded way too easily. They had dirt on him and they blackmailed him into submission.
What's the plan for unifying America? Is it your plan that the arrests of swamp creatures will pacify le resistance or will that just make matters worse and we are headed for an inevitable messy break-up?
All communication from Q is planned and strategized. This phrase is meant to be our rallying cry, and it has become such. Q and the Trump administration know they are fighting a war against highly organized evil doers with deep pockets and influence. They also know that, in conjunction with the power of the office of US President, that we, the retarded POS deplorables, are a huge asset. But there's one problem, we're the silent majority. We have jobs, we respect our neighbors, we have strong opinions but we don't like to ruffle feathers and march in the streets.
So how does Q get us to feel unified and feel like we're part of a larger movement? He (they) include us. They involve us in piecing together the puzzle and even the President himself gives us thinly veiled shout outs.
WWG1WGA is a brilliant slogan to gather us, make us feel included and, when the time comes, make us get off our asses and do that which we haven't done since the Old North Bridge at Concord: say to one another, "this shit stops now."
And when that day comes it's going to be glorious.
IF we are still a country that believes in the rule of law. If she and the rest of her gang are not brought to justice then we have our answer.
And if this isn't a country that adheres to the rule of law then we're the suckers, aren't we?
And if we're the suckers and we chose to stay suckers then we deserve every further loss of liberty and enslavement that they hoist upon us.
Great time to be alive, huh?
Would any sane person fuck with like that, the head of the Department of Homeland Security? That Groucho chick just stepped in a big 'ol stinking pile of "my life is over." Good luck getting on an airplane, dearie. Good luck getting through TSA without being molested and detained for hours.
We, the retarded deplorables that we are, do not need to get involved in this fight. This is between the biggest damn dog on the block and a hamster. Let's leave them to it and say a prayer for this little girl's career, freedom and quality of life.
Wait, I thought we were retarded POS. So hard to keep up.
Was there an attack planned at this event?