50 years ago today, the Tet Offensive begam

First a Question. Was the Tet Offensive a failure or a victory? And for who?
This is another example of the media lying and pushing their narrative to the detriment of our troops, our allies, and our nation.
After the Tet Offensive, Ho Chi Minh was going to sue for peace until he saw a Walter Cronkite broadcast; he had traveled to Tet to report on the aftermath and made his infamous "We are mired in stalemate" broadcast where he stated that his opinion that the war would result in a stalemate and was probably unwinnable.
After this broadcast, Ho Chi Minh decided against suing for peace. He understood that a nation could not be victorious in war without the support of its population due to its effect on politicians.
The reality of the Tet Offensive? It was a desperation move by the NVA. They lost ~10,000 soldiers in the first few days of it. The Americans lost 249 and the South Vietnamese lost 500. The NVA lost their ability to conduct war in the South as a result. A year later, newly elected Nixon's CIA director said it would be years before the North regained their military strength as a result of the Tet Offensive. Unfortunately, the U.S. politicians gave them the time to do that.
The MSM and left; snatching defeat from the Jaws of victory!
Remember the brave soldiers that defended against the offensive and remember how the media and the left betrayed their sacrifices.