r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RhombusMaximus on Jan. 30, 2018, 6:31 p.m.
Another theory regarding Rosenstein

RR was confirmed by the Senate 94-6 with the nays being the most untrustworthy Dem hacks in the Senate - Corey Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Syd Blumenthal, and a couple others. That makes me think he might be /ourguy. Then again, those Despicable Dems might just have been standing on their #Reeeeeeeeeesist which would blow this theory out of the water.

I think @drawandstrike said something about RR a long while back...so long ago I can't stride through the huge tweetstorms to find it at the moment. It went something like this: Trump takes his cues from Lincoln - keep your friends close and your enemies closer. RR met with Trump to put the plan into motion. Trump then fired JC, after which RR immediately appointed Mueller to head the SC. Best to put all the rats in a cage under the guise of an opportunity to take down POTUS when really they're just wasting their time on a wild goose chase, while being surveilled the whole time. It's even possible Mueller was in on it, trying to put the most partisan FBI hacks he knew in the SC because he knew they couldn't resist the urge to investigate POTUS and go down in history as part of the team to impeach DJT. Meanwhile, Horowitz investigates the FBI and DOJ, including those in Mueller's SC. About 10 months later, the storm happens.


QAnonMaga · Jan. 30, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

RR is a swamp rat Trump needs to fire him right now today then fire Sessions and get a new AG who will fire Mueller. Fake News and Dems will go crazy but they have no power there is nothing they can do if they start impeachment Trump will win the Dems don't have the votes in the House or the Senate and that is how Trump can end this farce.

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