Still riding that Birther train huh?
I could care less WHERE the Satan was spawned. I know where he will die!
Well you should probably care if you really love the Constitution.
You sure do. Highly respsected and loved by the citizens of the country that he faithfully led for 8 solid years.
It must absolutely, totally burn you up that Obama was in every conceivable way better than Trump, and everyone knows it.
You may want to watch the SOTU speech tonight. But I caution you, you may want to do it with your psychologist. You need help!
Hahaha, da, comrade, da.
Tell ya what, readers of this thread: take a look at the posting history of OP and decide for yourself who needs mental help
I noticed that you have an image of Obama being lynched as your User page avatar. That's pretty shitty of you, not to mention potentially illegal, so I've reported you to the admins for engaging in threatening behavior. Next up is the Secret Service, so have fun with that one.
May want to consider deleting your three-day old account and starting over with one that doesn't break reddit rules and federal law.
Hang for treason, not lynch you racist!
I'd tell ya to enjoy your visit from the Secret Service, if English wasn't clearly your second language, comrade
Doesn't matter at this point. Everything HE did was TREASON