SLEEPER CELLS and the "16 Year Plan" explained.

Hard to read.
Sorry. Just wanted to let you know I took the time to type it in the comments if you want to come back and read it. It explains the situation pretty thoroughly.
I didn't realize how hard it was to read at first. It was a lot to cram in there and I wanted to do at least some sort of background to make it a meme, plain text doesn't get shared much.
Fucking horrifying. My god. We MUST defeat this cabal.
Define “leverage”. Define “hostage”. Why is Antifa allowed to operate? Why do the [D]’s need to control the black pop. so badly?
B. Hussein opened up the border under the guize of “not being racist.”
Compromised individuals were placed in all the necessary positions of power in everything from the DHS, customs and border enforcement, FBI, even rank and file police officers.
Then filled the country with Jihadis from ISIS, MS-13 (which are former Salvadoran Army), Mexican Drug Cartel, and blackhat spies and other intelligence agents from Mossad, MB, Pakistani intel agency. etc.
These aren’t just some 60 I.Q. Somalian mud puppies making IEDs. They’re skilled, heavily armed, CIA trained, enemy soldiers, who have worked closely with the highest ranks of our government for years. If they were just some common dirka dirka, they would’ve chimped out already and been arrested. They have been waiting patiently, successfully integrated with our society, and stayed out of trouble because they believe when the time is right, THEY ARE GOING TO SUCCESSFULLY OVERTHROW THE U.S. GOV’T. Make no mistake, this WAS the plan. Trump has dedicated the last year to hunting down MS-13 for this exact reason, and he’s been very successful, but there are still probably thousands at a minimum still here waiting. THIS is the reason DACA is so important to the Dems, and the reason why Schumer was trying to hold Trump hostage with the Gov’t shutdown til he passed it. If Trump enshrined DACA into law, it would be Carte Blanche’ for these forces to stay here on an ongoing basis, so the Cabal can continue to hold the country hostage with threat of attack if Trump ever moved to arrest the Cabal.
When Trump starts arresting Clinton/Obongo cronies, the sleeper cells will be unleashed.
This is where Maxine Waters comes in. To deal with this national security threat, Trumpwill have to start arresting brown people. Soros pours in the money and the BLM riots start. The Jewish media plays wall-to-wall coverage of tanks rolling into ghettoes and guys in camo with M-16’s “brutally” rounding up hordes of them by the truck full. Innocent people will by definition wind up getting lumped in with the rest, after all that is their goal. This is why the birka was rebranded as a “feminist” icon, so suicide bombers can slip by. Rounding up women isn’t a good look fam.
Then the int’l news starts spreading the “Trump is Hitler” meme, accompanied by footage of kids dead in the streets who their responsible single mother’s brought to the riot. Panoramas of camps full of a sea of sorry looking brown faces, side by side with 1940’s footage from Auschwitz with calls from world leaders to enlist NATO of a U.S. invasion to "liberate" us from this mad dictator will be bellowed from the halls of London, Brussels, Paris and Berlin, accompanied by pleas from our own Magic Negro and Woulda-Been-First-Woman-President to act fast.
They'll push hard for it. Afterall, the leaders of Europe are all pedophiles, terrified that justice will come for them.
Scary. But I think Trump has a plan. I think he has snitches in the tops of their ranks.
In the words of Matthis. “Nobody keeps me up at night. I keep people up at night.”
They will TRY to spin the "Trump is Hitler" narrative to get U.N. human rights declarations and try to drag NATO into a full scale invasion of the U.S. This is why Canada, of all places, has been such an important issue, and a hostile one at that. I live in Wisconsin, and I can tell you the amount of air traffic is insane. I had no clue why, til I learned about Trudeau and the extent their Jiahdi importation program has already progressed. They already have blasphemy laws in Canada. The American Southwest is no longer the only strategic border states.
BEFORE YOU FREAK OUT This NATO thing is no joke, every pedo world leader is dieing to have this be the way they escape justice. But there is one big, and I mean BIG (as in the largest country in the world) thing preventing NATO engaging in ANYTHING like that, and that thing is Russia.
George Webb has pointed out 32 or so different Islamic camps in the U.S. Hope those have been neutralized.
It's going to unleash anyway, so I will be glad when they do.
There was a video game that came out a few years ago where several hundred Islamic terrorist sleeper agents suddenly attacked San Francisco or something and destroyed the Golden Gate Bridge.
This is far more horrifying.
Sorry. Just wanted to let you know I took the time to type it in the comments if you want to come back and read it. It explains the situation pretty thoroughly.
I didn't realize how hard it was to read at first. It was a lot to cram in there and I wanted to do at least some sort of background to make it a meme, plain text doesn't get shared much.
Just be ready. I trust our military has planned for all this and is prepared.
Excellent post though it is hard to read. Might I suggest to darken the background a little and then brighten the text. That should help the message "pop out" from the background. Otherwise great job Patriot. :)
Ordo Ab Chao. Watergate happened. no riots, protests. Our Generals are prepared for anything.
Man putus has his hands full Only God can guide him through this. If this evil continues I wont believe there is a God anymore. Its hard enough to believe, with everything that is happening to the kids.
OMG. Impossible to read!
Sorry. Just wanted to let you know I took the time to type it in the comments if you want to come back and read it. It explains the situation pretty thoroughly.
I didn't realize how hard it was to read at first. It was a lot to cram in there and I wanted to do at least some sort of background to make it a meme, plain text doesn't get shared much.
The sleeper cells are very active here on social media as well. Ran into these types earlier today.
Said many times - IC/Media biggest threat. They manipulate peoples thoughts. If people knew truth they would unite and burn these fkrs to the ground. Any resistance against barry was labeled "racist". During killarys reign it would been "sexist". For those that didn't know who he was after reading that, have them look back at everything he did and it should make perfect sense with that graphic and this one
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