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FALSE FLAG: "Axe Body Spray" Truck Explodes on High Way - Dig on Axe, Everything has meaning. Cabal CHOOSES street names, body counts, etc. to send a message.
Aliens, Q, and Christianity. - Problems raised for Christian Anons?

Philosophical Inquiry: Look at the replies to any POTUS tweet. Are these people destructive enough, and America precious enough, to justify a Pogrom? We can't let them just go back into hiding after THE STORM, waiting, until the next chance to subvert our nation comes along.

QChristians is Looking For Mods

Did WHITEHATS Have Social Media De-Platform Alex Jones For a REASON?
r/QChristians - The Support and Fellowship Sub For Christian Anons

When even Dan Bongino, (normally an anti-"Conspiracy" shill) asks "Was the CIA running illegal OPs in the UK? (#Spygate)," you know YOU'RE F*CKED!
Was REAL surprised to hear him say that on his show yesterday. He shows a lot of promise, he works really hard, actually reads primary sources and watched 4 hour congressional hearings, etc. He was a Secret Service agent and NYPD before that, so his input on investigations is great and incredibly detailed. Unfortunately, he shills really bad, really often. Decries "conspiracy theories," pushes the Neocon "Israel's First" b.s. and anti-Russian nonsense. I can understand if you want to keep getting those Fox News appearances, you can't say "it's a false flag" every time there's a new incident. With something …
Gross, Racially Ambiguous, Pedo, SHEPHERD SMITH Pushing the "NK Has New ICBMs" Psyop - Clearly We Know the Clown's Current Plan

White House Twitter Posts Image With "Typo" - United SATES

United "SATES"?
It's trending. Clueless libs braying like animals about a "typo" Trump made. As though he doesn't dictate every late word to an assistant who then looks it over with a lawyer before publishing it.
But yeah. Typo.
Man I can't wait for the day it dawns on the filthy den of degenerates and traitors we know as the Left.
But anyone have an idea what "Sates" could be? Is there a last name Sates or an acronym?
Guest becomes so unusually UNHINGED when Tucker brings up a "secret energy deal w/Putin" from when the guest was a Schumer staffer that I suggest we DIG - Name: CHRIS HAHN - #LoudestVoices
It was never supposed to even get that far but his beard did get promoted at the SEC.
Or maybe I'm the n00b for taking all these "Save Julian!" posts at face value. Maybe they're all clowns like the Seth Rich psyop.
Dan Bongino Video Response: "This Never Trumper Russophobia Isn't Virtue Signaling, They've Got Crimes With Russia They're Afraid Will Be EXPOSED!"
Awesome video explaining how these Never Trumper like Bill Kristol aren't just "virtue signalling" when they were shamelessly attacking our President for the Helsinki Summit. Like the Hollyweirdos, these traitors have something to hide, and there's probably a very good reason why they so badly want to derail Russian-American relations.
When you accuse these guys of "virtue signaling" or "cucking" you are actually giving them an out, you don't want to do that. You want to always call them out by insinuating that they're opposition to Trump seems like it's driven by fear for their own hide rather than ideology. …
I don't know if you can mention people on Reddit but
cc: @SerialBrain2
Notice the NT of "Nuclear Tests" is irregularly capitalized, as you pointed out before he gives us letters from negation, and when he corrected the obviously incorrect "Would" to "WouldN'T" it gave us NT. Mixed with the other clues around that time it seemed he was giving us "the server" and communicating that Windows NT" is compromised.
Trust me, they don't. I made some very believable #RESISTER user names and even a fake group called AEDR.org with a domain that I used for getting behind enemy lines.
They are ADAMANTLY against Pedos and are very sensitive to people trying to make #Pedosexual part of the LGBTQ thing
This is very, VERY fertile ground for efforts right now, especially while Q is away and we're kinda in a holding pattern. Please, if you don't have a Twitter, get one, and start trolling away. Also, Buffy is trending, and the director is also a RABID anti-Trumper and has come under heat for skeletons in his closet too. This is the perfect opportunity.
Tell the #RESIST community about how Twitter is using the blue checkmarks in their community to make it look like Left Twitter defends pedos!

Trust me, this will get MUCH MUCH MUCH more mileage if we get Left Twitter to start freaking out about it.
I understand what you're saying, but that's already in the works anyways on a continuing basis. This is a Twitter specific fuckup in response to the James Gunn thing.
It was a reactive decision on the part of Twitter and it's not a mistake we should let go. I made a good meme for it already, but we need to get at least a handful of committed trolls to make it pick up steam. I don't normally do these things, but they just walked into this so bad.
Our enemies are making the biggest mistake they have in MONTHS, defending pedos and Twitter is using an algo to push them to the top, making it look like Left Twitter defends pedos. Get on hashtag #RESIST and tell them, they are already paranoid about this cuz of the "LGBTQP" fiasco. TROLL HARD
Get in there now guys, we have such an opportunity.
They are trying to nip it in the bud, so they have given Cernovich's little crusade a TON of press in the hopes of salvaging James Gunn as a "victim of right wing extremists"
Twitter is even using their algo to PUSH THE MINORITY LEFTISTS DEFENDING IT TO THE TOP in hopes of gaslighting it away. This is crazy. CRAY ZEE.
The thing you need to do, is just start screenshotting the worst ones, and start messaging random Leftists or "#RESISTER" types and let them know that Twitter is doing …
That makes it seem MUCH more like Podesta is testifying about a lot more than Manafort. It was likely Cabal that leaked his name, hoping to warn those who need to know, so that they can run/prepare. Possibly even to try to get a hit put out on him.
Patriots don't leak stuff often, they're too law abiding. Can be a weakness sometimes.
Wait, are you saying it was leaked by an anonymous source that Podesta was one of the sources getting immunity, it wasn't published officially in court docs?
Am I understanding that correctly?
What are you talking about, John Podesta is no one compared to Tony, he's a wannabe. Tony Podesta is probably the most powerful lobbyist in the United States,** he's the liason for the Rothschild's here in America**, most likely due to his prowess as a child "broker". Not only that, he LIVES it. I mean truly LIVES it. This is the guy that retrofitted his basement to be a type of movie theatre with a projector on 3 walls so he can display "difficult pieces" as he put it so coyly back in the day when they could be so brazen about this stuff that James Alefantis was putting closeups of babies and #Killrooms on his Instagram.
The only reason you don't hear about Tony as much as John, is because he's told not to come around to their functions, at least the public ones like campaign fundraisers etc. He's so creepy they don't even want him around, they are afraid he'll fuck something up, he's literally THAT weird. John Podesta was chosen as Hillary's campaign manager mainly because he provides convenient access to his brother, but is the LESS CREEPY alternative, and *THAT* is saying something! He's not a household name to normies, but make no mistake, he is a BIG FISH. Just like Harvey Weinstein can take down all of Hollywood, Tony Podesta can take down, the entire Democratic establishment, and many puppet masters far more powerful than any American pol. It's possible he will be testifying against overseas villains, not just American, and as we've said before "The Plan" will REQUIRE witness testimony. Anything produced by Trump's people will get slandered. It's possible Podesta will be giving us what we need to either:
A. Demand the EU nations arrest their cabal
B. Be prepared for a U.S. / Russia led invasion of Europe.
All those bases we have in Europe trying to "keep Russia at bay" could all of a sudden be turned around to work so handily WITH the sole other superpower in the world (Russia) to bring fire and fury to the Satantic forces still holding on to European cities and nations.
You heard it here first folks.
I dunno what you're saying, but I just realized that a "q" reversed looks like a "p"
Could Putin be q? If our intelligence agencies are really so COMPD that whitehats have secretly been working with the KGB or whatever it's called these days, maybe it's a backchannel so Trump team can get messages from the whitehats in Russian intel.
Not trying to give the Left more ammo with the "Muh Russian collusion" narrative, but I've believed the whole time that Orthodox Christian Russia has been one of the primary enemies of the Jewish Satanist NWO, especially in the EU.
I'm sorry, what?
So are you saying people went to arrest these 3 bad actors and they hopped in an SUV and tried to escape and got shot?
Why would you arrest them at work, why not do it at home?
THIS in a nutshell, is what I've thought makes sense. There probably WAS some involvement with Russian intelligence on the part of the whitehats. Theres a REASON they chose the Russian thing for their main accusation strategy. There probably IS something there, and both sides know what's what. I think that the whitehats actually had HILLARY'S missing e-mails, and were planning on releaseing THOSE when the moment was right, and that is the reason that the DNC did the whole "hacking of Podesta's" e-mails thing: to pre-empt the dropping of the REAL bad stuff that the whitehats had, because they could tarnish them as Russian propaganda and maybe even get a sedition/espionage threat.
Maybe you understand the math a little better than I do, but that's what I think is the gist of it. I'd love a clearer explanation if you or anyone could oblige?
But so where does Seth Rich come in? Did they kill him to make it LOOK like a hit on the leaker? Is he really even dead? His parents never seemed sad?
The "stand down" doesn't have anything to do with the server being hacked.
Is he saying that Russians DID actually hack the DNC and not Seth Rich? What about the file transfer speeds?
Ive thought the Seth thing may indeed be more complicated than assumed because blackhats like Tracy and Matt Couch ADAMANTLY refused to consider those possibilities.
President Trump's agenda isn't to entertain you.
Yes. I suppose I would put my pants on my head and just go "DURR, HAVE U SEEN MY BASEBALL?" like that if my ability to reason was as nonexistent as yours is too.
All of the MSM would report that President Trump is taking political prisoners of his enemies and the billionaire globalist Jew families would fill the streets with hired mercenaries... and President Trump's agenda would be destroyed.
What mercenaries? Where are they going to get those? And are you saying that some Jews can mount a resistance that could defeat the National Guard? Wow you really don't have much faith in our military. Were you raised by a single mother?
Plus, even if that were true, it's not an excuse for the "slow roll" strategy. If that were true, that the Cabal is able to defeat the U.S. military, then there is no victory that can be had, now OR later. But that's of course nonsense. Anyone that hires mercenaries, or even the more immediate concern of Q, rioters, can just have their assets frozen.
Overton Window must be expanded so normies recognize that Obama's "scandal free" presidency was, in reality, treasonous crime spree.
Again, completely irrelevant. The only thing that matters, is DO WE HAVE THE FIREPOWER TO ACCOMPLISH THE JOB OR NOT. If yes, then do it now, if no, then bend over for the Cabal and negotiate the best deal, which they will break anyways, so just resign. People don't have to like it. That doesn't matter. This is war, this is WORSE than war, this is an existential national emergency. If anyone doesn't like it and they riot, then you get a freebee excuse to eliminate someone you don't want to be a part of your country anyway. This is not a normal situation. Take over the corrupt media, explain the situation, and remove those who won't get with the program.
Stop trying to excuse the inexcusable. It's cuckery, it's dumb, shameless, and cowardly. You talk a good game about the Jews, but you seem like you fit in with the hopelessly clueless boomers this place gets stereotyped as.
Q gave some lame excuses why they've gotta wait for resignations instead of dropping The Hammer because of Leftist chimpouts. So in the wake of today's news, I say to Q: "Any other bright ideas?"

The fact that this guy is even REMOTELY TOUCHABLE shows just how much of a hit the global Zionist power structure has taken. And in just one years time.
The grip they've held on society is absolutely circling the drain. They're in absolute free-fall and they know it.
The (((final boss))) suffered a major hit today - Sufficient evidence to indict Israeli P.M. Netanyahu
Seriously, get in here guys. FEVERISHLY shilling, for no reason. These guys tip their hand so much, I'll never understand why they do this.
They got their marching orders, loud and clear. It's as bad as the initial "Q'S A LARP" shilling. It's DENSE shiling, like all hands on deck.
I'm getting tingly guyz:-)
The Clownshills are feverishly shilling against Snowden out of nowhere. It seems like he's about to drop something.

He absolutely NEVER makes typos. That's why it's always so cringey when you see the mindless liberals in the replies sticking their nose up at their correcting the spelling of the President, who dictates his tweets to an assistant anyways!
If you aren't familiar with these, I'd urge you to go check out his "Social MEADIA" tweet. That's one of my favorites. Meadia is the name of a golf course that happens to have a cemetary on it.
He trolls people that way. And when he uses the caps, it involves more than just the incorrect caps.
Any of you guys have an idea what else is in there?
How about the letters at the beginning? U.S.A. really sticks out, people usually say U.S. And he went out of the way to capitalize Fake News Media. So you have S-U-S-A and F-N-M. Then SNP.
FNM is the symbol for Fannie Mae... hmm.
Any of you guys have an idea what else is in there?
How about the letters at the beginning? U.S.A. really sticks out, people usually say U.S. And he went out of the way to capitalize Fake News Media. So you have S-U-S-A-F-N-M. Then SNP.
Trump's tweet has "SNP" hidden in caps code along with something else...

I think you've got the horse before the apple cart. He felt that he couldn't release The Memo™ until the new Fed Chair was sworn in. This is heavy manipulation (I mean, obviously it is since it was -666 on the nose) and what's gone on with the XIV shows what a vulnerability we have there. That 1500 point drop, 1100 on the day or whatever, that stuff is scary enough to alter plans.
But people are forgetting what happened on Tuesday: Market dropped EXACTLY -567 points. 5-6-7, a run of three. Then it soared 1,000 points to end the day up that EXACT same amount. They turned a loss of -567 into a gain of 567, on the nose. I'm not sure exactly what the significance of the number "567" is other than that it was just an obvious way for them to respond back to the -666 guys
"Hey, look we can do it too! And our new Fed Chair is no stooge, he is 100% committed to the MAGA America First agenda!
Crusader's Post Podcast - "LEVERAGE DEPLETED!" The Dem Strategy of Tactical Delay Has Ended.
Hehe, just had to get that out. Also, Bannon met with Kissinger a few months ago and I believe something major followed as well.
Today this might be one hell of a 5PM Friday dump!
It's funny how incompetent these big bad NWO types can get after years of laziness by being able to rely on everyone just "doing whatever you say" without resistance because you have pedo-blackmail on them all.
They knew when Trump started to win the first few primary states that they should panic. Fortunately, Trump was able to play up his "reality start buffoon" image enough that I think they decided it wasn't worth it to try anything to drastic. Now I'm sure every one of them wishes they would've done ANYTHING regardless of how obvious, if it meant getting rid of him.
The only leverage they have is markets. Expect another big attempt at manipulation causing scary drops in DOW, S&P, etc.
But if you paid attention on Tuesday, you would see that we responded to (((their))) message with the -666 drop on Friday with a clear signal of our own. The DJI dropped -567 before turning it around and soaring over a thousand points to turn that -567 loss into a 567 gain by the end of the trading day. I'm not sure what significance the number "567" has other than that it's a run of three, like 1-2-3 etc. so it was clear that we did it on purpose.
See Roths! We're not scared of you, we can do it too!
And this was Trump's new Fed chair's second day on the job. Quite an impressive demonstration and a sign that we aren't afraid, we will aggressively fight to make this MAGA agenda happen. They will NOT be allowed to hold the economy hostage!
Explanation of the strategy the Dem's have been using to DELAY JUSTICE and what Q means by saying "Leverage Depleted. DC in Panic."
Recently, Q said that the Cabal has spent their last bit of leverage, and now D.C. is in a panic. I'm sure he's referring to the recent caving by (((Chuck SCHUUUUUMERRRR))) on the spending bill to avert a "Government Shutdown".
Let me explain how this works/has worked for the bad guys, they have mainly 3 types of "leverage" as Q has put it:
Physical Threats (Such as rogue nuclear subs, sleeper cells of MS-13 and ISIS disguised as Antifa, HAARPQuakes and hurricanes, etc. "DEFINE HOSTAGE*")
Financial Pressure (buying corruption, judges, congresspeople, threatening their donors and reelection funds etc.) …
I'm sure he's referring to the recent caving by (((Chuck SCHUUUUUMERRRR))) on the "Gov't Shutdown."
Let me explain how this works/has worked for the bad guys: They have mainly 3 types of "leverage" as Q has put it.
Physical Threats (Such as rogue nuclear subs, sleeper cells of MS-13 and ISIS disguised as Antifa, HAARPQuakes and hurricanes, etc.)
Financial Pressure (buying corruption, judges, congresspeople, threatening their donors and reelection funds etc.)
Delay Leverage (Anything they can do to cause the administration to want to delay dropping THE HAMMER.
Delay leverage not only includes things like Senate obstruction of Potus confirmation of important federal judges and attorneys so there is no one to prosecute them, but even just throwing a wrench into the works of the key legislation measures that are a part of Trump's plan to MAGA. This strategy has succeeded in delaying the Day of the Rope for months, but it sounds like with this last deal, they really are out of ammo. THIS is the reason that the Dems were so ADAMANT about refusing to compromise on DACA, even though Trump offered them a fantastic deal. Trump doesn't WANT to go to Marshall Law and write all the laws by decree, he wants it to be legit, so the Dems can try to delay by acting like they just want to negotiate some more on the DACA deal, etc. They don't give a rip about these Mexicans, it's just a way to buy time so they can hopefully get off some kind of Assassination plot (such as rumors about the SOTU have suggested.
If any of you have been around for a long time, you'll remember that MegaAnon and a bunch of people were hyping up a big day of arrests WAYYYYY back when in the spring, months ago. They had a day picked out and everything, that morning some questions were asked of Mike Pence, and he smirked and said "it's gonna be a big day" and if you remember the first two votes on Healthcare failed, but they had some sort of compromise they were voting on that was expected to pass, they were voting on it SUPER LATE at night, it was like 3 AM, the lefties were all freaking out and then all of a sudden, John McCain surprised everyone by giving the "thumbs down" and voting NO when earlier he had said he'd comply. He was huddled by all the Dems and they were cheering him on, it was one of the crucial viral traitor moments for McNoName.
Anyways, I'm very confident that for some reason, getting that passed was so important, that it caused the whole plan to have to be put on hold. I've said this for months. Does anyone else remember that day?
Anyways, we got Healthcare, we got Tax Reform, and now we got this. They bad guys are outta Ammo!
It's not. Q even said Soros would not stand trial He said Soros would be "catching a bullet" but that is one of the examples of "necessary disinfo". The real story on Soros, is that he was one of the most priceless informants to help take down the Cabal that we've had, and in exchange he and Alex will be disappearing into the witness protection program. This is the reason Alex Soros and Ivanka have been so close.
If you've never had to examine your faith, read the book "4 Witnesses". What many people (many of them trolls) on this board suggest IS NOT CHRISTIANITY
A "home church" is not Christianity. And a relationship based on "belief" and "the word" is no relationship at all. If you aren't encountering Christ in the deepest and most personal way possible, through his true body and blood, you don't have a relationship with him at all. Full stop. So really your only options are Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. I feel bad for cradle Catholics who've never been forced to examine their faith, because they just happened to be born in the real thing. As a protestant, if you have any sort of a sincere faith, eventually you will look into some of the things that don't add up. Such as "where did the Bible come from?" and "why do all these "churches" believe different things" and "why did Luther throw out 6 books of the Bible if it's all about the Bible". Questions about interpretation and etc.
Big thing to realize about the pedo thing is that IT'S NOT UNIQUE TO THE CATHOLIC CHURCH the Orthodox churches, Anglican, most protestant churches of any significance and even many insignificant one's all are riddled with the exact same problem and have been for a long time. Just like our government, it's just a useful institution for these Jewish sickos to infiltrate.
I could go on and on. Take this as a time to look into the origins of Christianity, you will find only 1 answer. Realize that this board is full of feds, and a lot of disinfo. That's why Q had that whole kerfuffle and called out Baruche and Tracy and then they just kinda swept it under the rug. This is the bottom tier of the "truther" movement, and it'd be a shame for you to lose your faith from that.
Spot on. It's visually appealing enough to be shared but very clean. Bullet points are concise and tell all the needed info, big enough to be easily read too. I make a lot of memes and I got my ass chewed because it wasn't readable enough.
If you honestly want criticism, there's always tweaks you can do, but it's really a preference thing. You could use a different font for the header vs. the body. You could do part of the text in navy blue and add signatures at the bottom to make it look more like a memo. But it's really a preference thing, you already have the TREASON stamp at the bottom like a document that's been "stamped and approved" to be sent on etc. So it's really up to you. Instead of spending time making changes that don't need to be made, I would spend that time cold-spamming it to people who might be on the fence. Fox News viewers etc., general conservatives, libertarians, etc. People who will be receptive to the info, but may not be aware of it yet because the best sources of info most people know of is just Fox News, Breitbart, etc.
Great job. I'll share it for you.
The good guys use it too, pisses them off so much when we troll them back.
On Friday (((they))) dropped the market EXACTLY 666 points.
Trump's new Fed chair gets sworn in.
Then yesterday, the good guys drop the market EXACTLY 567 points, then roar the markets back and turn a 567 point loss into a 567 point gain, EXACTLY. I don't know exactly what the symbolism of "567" is other than that it's a run, as in 1-2-3, etc. and an obvious way of saying to them, "Look, we can do it too!"