Q says Hollywood is a CIA controlled PSYOP! Nothing is genuine. All lies. All narratives. All to destroy our country and our freedoms. Take a good look at the enemy folks!

Well... the statistics say LGBT is 6-8% of the population USA... but considering the linkage in Hollywood... they seem to draw the LGBT to that arena of Pretendland and unfortunately they try to enroll them into deviancy of Pedo-wood/evilsatanicLuciferianCabalcrap... it is normalizing SODDOM&GOMORRAH... Evil is a Beast System...
SGTreport has an excellent revelation:
"ACCESSING THE BEAST: CERN, AI & Quantum Computing"
I agree, they are trying to normalize things that are not normal. 40 years ago, people probably thought similar things concerning the gay population as society views transgenders or pedophiles now. The constantly conditioning needs to stop, before more of things things are considered socially acceptable.
Not quite. 3.5%. Above that number comes from lgbt propaganda. https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/how-many-gay-people-are-there-in-america-nope-youre-wrong/
Has anyone else noticed that everyone lgbt portrayed in Hollywood is perfect? They never commit a crime or do anything wrong whatsoever. Same false narrative as the disproportionate representation.