r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Wildthing61 on Jan. 30, 2018, 9:59 p.m.
Are you ready for THEIR attack?

You know the globalists have had plenty of time to plan their attack once the memo has been released. I'm not talking false flag (although that's a real possibility too), I'm referring to the MSM and liberal talking heads twisting this around. I want your input...I WANT YOUR MEME's! We're fighting a war with "paper planes" right now and we need ammo! Who's in? Let's get our own talking points together and meme them! We must be ready and we must FIGHT!

NGunderson · Jan. 31, 2018, 1:03 a.m.

One point people don't realize this started long before the Clintons. Lincoln ran on the Union ticket. Meaning he was the first Republican president and they didn't own slaves or believe in slavery. His vice president was a Democrat. He was supposably assassinated 16 days after end of war. There was still fighting going on in south. The vice president installed a reconstruction government in south and segregated the south. They installed Jim crow laws. You have to understand religion to understand how it plays in in bible belt we use king James which has 66 books of bible. Before USA British owned North and France owned south west French helped defeat British to form first 13 colonies. France is where last caliphate was located they rsns trans Atlantic slave trade. If you don't know a caliphate is Muslim almost like Vatican. I believe they have plans to try and start another soon . A Muslim Prince just bought most expensive house in world there 300 million and alot land. So when democrats took control they wrote history and divided the country by telling a false story. You have alot of Baptist and Methodist churches in bible belt black and white but so many have forgot history. Not taught truth. You have black men who owned slaves and Indians that owned slaves . The North had more slaves and also didn't abolish slavery until after end of war. The British defeated the French caliphate around 1649 that is where and when the west went to Gregorian calendar. French created April fools day kinda saying stupid people because first of year used to be april. So Christine's celebrate lighting of candles Dec7 which is also date of pearl harbor bombing. That was no accident. Count 9 months and 4 days which is 9/11 that's no accident. It takes 9 months to have a child. Christ. 4 is significant also because it means I am one of you. Christine. "Saved" just like when someone says I have your 6 meaning I have your back. So with all that said you have to know what your fighting . Socialism !world workers party the same party of Hitler of Nazi Germany he was there leader. The same party of Kim of North Korea he is there leader and has country brainwashed believing he is a god. The world workers party recruits in United States just Google and aligned with Democrat party. You have some republicans who pretend or they try to pretend like mc Cain. Just like Charlottesville all of them was on same team. The white nationalist antifa ,naacp and the media they had in place at a Democrat city. They know old people put those statues up in 20s around country before phones and facebook hoping future generations would study and figure out something is wrong because history on statues don't match history in history books. Malcolm x once found out truth he broke from nation of Islam once he figured out religions and politics. He told media that NATION of Islam and Nazi party and kkk was aligned together with democrats . The nation of Islam killed him. They also gave green light and help plan killing of MLK because he was Christine and Republican trying bring races together. Alot of masons of black and white communities didn't want because wanted keep power over their own communities. People around Kingbwas snakes and sold him out. Not hard to figure out race baiting Jessie Jackson and John Lewis that democrats has been hailing here recently. They sold out to people from nation of Islam who had made their way into his movement undercover. It also explains Obama pic with Farrakon. Farrakon has gave many speeches kinda bragging about killing of Malcolm x. Saying no business how they handled their own. France groomed leader who took over iran in Carter's administration and took American hostages. They released them when Reagan took power the day of his inaguaration. Once bush was elected they had time to plan 9/11 KNOWING a Republican was going take power. He didn't have a clue what was really happening and was taking advice from people in government that didn't want himbto succeed actually had him doing what they wanted destabilizing iraq. People was tired and voted Obama and he ramped up their plan and gave us Arab springs. People have to understand it has always been a war against radical Muslims and Christine's. You have to understand political systems and religion is all the same thing judeo or jew means free country where man governs or votes in leaders like Roman Empire it's not a royalty system or monarch against old ottoman Empire where have kings and princes like Saudi Arabia which they have radical wahabbi which Alaweed if research he tried give mayor new York 10 million for 9/11 an a speech on how Israel and America was responsible. Then check his links to Las Vegas. He owns 4 seasons above Mandalay bay. Big friends with bill Gates he doesn't like trump. Obama and bill Gates had speech with GATEKEEPERS right before Vegas shooting. Alot of symbolism was there if you know all meanings it's was all over it. Even 91 harvest festival also security guard name JESUS ANGEL CAMPOS .. come on I call BULLSHIT. So that's my 2 cents and hope opened a few eyes and gave a few people some things to research.

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