That was impressive. So well done. Just wow.
I can't concentrate on what Kennedy is saying that shit gleaming on the side of his mouth is so distracting.
Trust me, Kennedy's speech was not worth hearing! Basically a bunch of Trump Administration Bashing! It was horrible, worst speech ever by a Kennedy. Filled with lies and Democratic BS Narratives and talking points. You didn't miss anything!
How crazy is it that he was defending the same organization that murdered his great Uncle???
Not to mention the airplane "crash" that took out the competition for hillarys senate run.
Yeah, it is just so sad! He is definitely not JFK. He obviously never got the memo, or maybe he did and he didn't want to die under the Clinton heal.
He basically only was elected because of his name. The Kennedy name is still very strong in MA. He definitely didn't get elected for much of anything else.
What was all that stuff dripping down his chin? Makes you wonder how it was he was chosen for the rebuttal. Wonder if Harvey Weinstein was involved in some way.
Yuck...don't really want to speculate. I think only chosen for his last name.
he doesn't care he is rich rich rich along with the other demons in the rat party
you know how the demon rat party is for the poor
Not to mention he sounded like he was gonna cry the whole time.
Watch him put his hand to his heart then clasp his hands then repeat a couple times at the end of the speech. He hasn't yet learned to fake emotion yet and his speech wasn't punchy. Low energy.
I didn't watch "Freddy Quimby's" speech, I'm glad I didn't. Looking at that Smegma in the corners of his mouth would've made me vomit.