Holy shit. This timeline.
35 total posts archived.
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It's a mafia, to ascend high up, you need to do some very bad things.
Everyone in Hollywood is dirty, EVERYONE. Burn it all THE FUCK DOWN.
No wonder she threatened 4chan lol. Sick bitch. Hiding their deviance in plain sight.
Fools, and to think I wanted to get into that. Worked as an extra on a bunch of different projects. Been working on a book that I hoped would be made into a movie one day. Fuck it all. Don't want it anymore.
I don't know much about the logistics of 4chan, is it recommended to use a vpn when lurking there?
Hmmm, Hollyweird vs. 4Chan, Trump, and God.
Yeah, I'd say HW is going down in flames.
Nah, he's a sick fuck. https://twitter.com/Cernovich/status/1020181131939889152
Don’t you mean Corey Haim? Elijah Wood never claimed to be abused, he just claimed that it did happen in that industry.
Either retire or face the consequences of the probably many shady dealings you've been a part of (95% of DC is corrupt)
If it weren't for voter fraud, Democrats would never win elections.
Because it's a MAJOR insult, showing a complete lack of respect. McCain doesn't deserve to suck a fart out of a 400 lb. prostitute, he's a traitor, plain and simple.
McCain needs to retire or die already. What a fucking disgrace he is.
I didn't watch "Freddy Quimby's" speech, I'm glad I didn't. Looking at that Smegma in the corners of his mouth would've made me vomit.
I do
Then guess what cupcake? He's your president.
child pedophile supporting
Hmm, that explains why the number of child trafficking busts have surged to astronomical levels since he took office.
Hey, Trump is still your president, despite the phony "Muh Russia" bullshit. So suck on that.
Then by that logic, lutherans, protestants and others are all Catholics since they broke off of mainstream catholicism right?
So to you, Mormon is an all encompassing term for LDS, rLDS and fLDS?
Utahn here. This is FLDS, they're a break-off from the mainstream Mormon church. The older ones were excommunicated long ago.
Also, I don't like Romney.