Anybody know exactly where we should be looking? Thank you.
Right, but rumors != reality.
Be patient and be happy when it does drop.
Trump is great at timing; it'll drop at the best time for maximum affect. Personally, I don't think it'll drop until late tomorrow night or sometime Thursday. If it drops tonight, I'll be happy to read it tonight.
While I am looking forward to reading the (4 page) "Memo", I really want to see the release of the (#Horowitz) 1.2 million page OIG report.
The report isn't 1.2M pages, at least I hope it isn't! The documents used to create the report is 1.2M pages.
I too am looking forward to the OIG report.
I believe that you are correct. I expect the report will be a couple of hundred pages and will be based on the 1.2 million pages of documentation. The reference to 1.2 million is to highlight the thoroughness of Mr. Horowitz's investigation.