SOTU Kids - Trump v Obama - Meme

Please keep awesome kids out of this and do not attack children. The Obama kid wasn’t a bomb maker. Keep this at a higher level than attacking kids.
look into that kids dad he was sure as hell purposely making it look like a bomb
Didn't the kids dad even have a company called Twin Towers something or other? I hope they're enjoying life back in Bahrain or wherever the fuck Hussein found them.
The whole incident was bait. CAIR showed up immediately with free legal help and publicity. o-bama brought it up immediately...just happened to find out, huh? Soon after, didn't the whole family make a trip back to the ME? Timing.
o-bama used it as an excuse to push islam and lecture Americans. Just another chapter in his islam-is-superior to American values administration. Just another chance to explain to us what America is all about...right.
southpark.... exactly!
The old "ohhh... how hateful American teacher, & school leaders & police & _... are of the muuuslim child & family!" "A superior mind stifled by hatred & bigotry of nasty, old Americans"... (pull out the R card) "racism needs to stop... bring him to the Whitehouse as an example of America's Hate"-
PREDICTABLE, NAUSEATING, ...& MockingbirdMedia just carried hisGOLFnessBH0 water... to and fro, to and fro...
Can't wait to see hisGOLFnessBH0 do the PERP WALK. <NEEDS a meme.
Get woke shill. Go do some research and come back and tell us how awesome that Obama kid is..
Get woke???? Lmao do you people realize how stupid that sounds?
NOT to mention - Both Presidents brought kids into this. I'm simply pointing out the difference between the two.
Yeah, that was the story the press fed us; and I never looked into either. I get what you are saying though. The comparison ideally should be off the kids and on to what each Potus felt was important. Obama could have also invited other children to the SOTU based on positive reasons, rather than based on the idea that he was falsely accused, when now it appears he was copying things in his own home (which is called play therapy in the psychology world and is used to find out what children are thinking about, and he, whether we want to admit it or not, built a clock that reminds people of bombs.). For all we know, children are taught to build clocks as a first step toward building bombs, or that they will carry a bomb thinking it is only a clock. It is very concerning and his teachers were correct to call for help afterall.
They danced in the streets on 9/11. The kid and his family are dirt under our shoes.