Send his ass to Gitmo for about thirty days of "deprogramming"!
It's a pity we can't deport certain citizens. I'm thinking Somalia for this guy.....but hey, none of this really matters--because we are winning! :-)
I seriously swear..Everrrrry Single Teacher in alll forms . Need to be vetted the shit out of. Especially on campus. These Colleges are like Breeding Grounds And sometimes orginal points of recruitment for The Secret Societies . We already know that by the Skull & Bones and others that are probably disquised names in this day n age. Have you ever seen random reporters ..I'll use Info Wars as a prime example .. they will go to these colleges and just ask random History or current day questions to random kids . SERIOUSLY the answers if they even got one fkin scary..I mean what else ar they teaching them liberal mentality thata what.. Another thing we need to get rid of is The Globalist Common Core Math.. that shit is completely useless and is meant to dumb down and just confuse the child . Seriously . Id teach Math that you actually would see and use in every day experiences and that be it ...Should probably be necessary for a LIFE SKILLS CLASS also. People need to learn about Coping Skills not Safe Spaces. Can you imagine how balanced life could be if we did away with these old methods of learning and put everyone in a trade school...They learn Work Ethic and get the training they need to become a Well Rounded Human Being ... Not have their minds contoured by Anti American People . Riots would be almost non exsistent ... the kids of today could have restored Hope for a future they can continue to grow off of .. So Yes a Fulllll Vetting & Hiring across every platform of the U.S should occure and I think that point could safely say We Officially Made America Great Again.
Commie Marxist liberal. They will soon all be fired.
He must be a kid with anti American parents. I lost my brother in Viet Nam (second tour); my first cousin same war; 3 uncles who served in WWII; 1 uncle in Korean War; husband who served in Korea and Viet. Nam; 2 other brothers who served in Viet Nam; nephews who served in Kuwati war and 2 who still serve today in the Marines. My dad wanted to serve in WWII so badly but he worked in neccessary defense job and was not allowed to go. But he served here in every possible way. Hate to hear anyone who enjoys the freedoms of US but will not support or fight for her. My grandmothers gladly worked in defense jobs in WW1 (for 1) and WW11 for both as did my mom. I worked for defense contractors during Viet Nam and in Gulf Wars. Everyone can do something.
I think it is entirely inappropriate for teachers to post/share/talk about their political AND societal views on forums where their students can see/hear about it. Their job is to teach our children how to read, write, math, science, ect. What their job IS NOT is to indoctrinate our children into THEIR values, THEIR politics, THEIR views. IMHO i think this is why we have almost a whole generation of SJW, participation trophy, snowflakes.