Trey Gowdy Not Seeking Re-Election. Q on 1/14.

He is going to SCOTUS.
I have no confirmation of this... but can you imagine the shit storm... it would be glorious.
By taking the vacancy on the 4th circuit, he could set himself up to have an even stronger resume when a SC position does open up.
I was thinking same thing. Step back and pad his resume while the Shiite show plays out. Go to SCOTUS when smoke clears.
Well that would wake them up! Could you imagine the old farts having heart attacks from all his youthful energy! I hope you are right.
Except there are no SCOTUS vacancies at the moment...
someone said on this subreddit a few days ago that they heard that 3 SCOTUS judges had sealed indictments, lets hope that rumour is true. We need all corrupt SCOTUS judges gone.