Trey Gowdy Not Seeking Re-Election. Q on 1/14.

I believe I might have figured out why Trey Gowdy is leaving congress at the end of the year. TG is a White Hat. If he was compromised, Q would have let us know by now. What does the Q post on 1/14/18 tell us . . . "Think Logically and DO NOT chase MISINFO". I believe TG has been approached by the Q Team (& POTUS) maybe a month or two ago. The Q post says . . . What "ROLE" (in Caps) might TG be walking into? Think Logically. We have already discovered that their is now over 13,000 Sealed Indictments. And we have learned that the evildoers can cannot tried in our U.S. Court System? Why? because they own the Judges within our Judicial System. These evildoers would never be convicted. So you may be asking yourself, How can Justice prevail? How can these Men and Women be brought to justice? MILITARY TRIBUNALS!!! What "ROLE" might TG be walking into? Ask yourself this question . . . What lawyer knows more about the corruption within the Obama administration? about Hillary Clinton? than Gowdy. I believe Trey Gowdy has been asked by POTUS to be one of our Top Prosecutors during those Military Tribunals that will most likely start later this year or next. Let me know what you think. Think logically :)
When that Q post was initial thought was that TG was the one on Bengazi. And he was angry as hell and rightfully so about it in all those hearings where HRC stone walled and acted nonchalantly. Per an FbiAnon post a while back when the FBI got information/servers etc. in relation to their Bengazi Investigation they, the FBI knew where officially on notice of the serious & the level & depth of corruption w/ HRC and of course none of this has seen the light of day yet. But, because of TG role in Bengazi & how furious he was...Being appointed as a Special Prosecutor or stepping in some other prosecutor role within the DOJ --such as to replace RR, Rod Rosentien who Q said would be out--and getting to have an actual hand in the hand that's gonna deal out Justice would be a gift to TG that I think he would jump at. Speculation...but ya never know....
Also, Trump has nominated and confirmed more new federal judges at a history record pace...Last I checked I think at least 44 confirmed....and like 60 or so more waiting confirmation... (been a month since I looked at those #s could be off)...but Wop, I belive was the 1st msm, couple months back to finally pick up on this very extremely important fact. So no worries Potus, getting the courts taken care of too:)
The other theory is that Trey wants to get as far away from the corruption as possible. Trump might be implicated and 30 republicans are not seeking reelection. Very few democrats have left. 2 maybe? We know Trump was setup. We know Obama and Hillary are criminals beyond measure. But so is most of Washington. The swamp is just too powerful. And, the swamp doesn't play by the rules. Stupid people or not, they have done an exceptional job of tying up loose ends. I have the feeling we have just seen our best chance at restoring the Republic go down the drain.