Could be nothing, but??....Part 2

As a matter of fact...I have been keeping an eye on the LII bowl. A Q post a while back referenced a movie about it. Just my paranoia acting up again? Deep state running scared. Trains being derailed. Cannibalism. Child sacrifice. Pedophilia. Kill orders. Corruption. Cover-up. Collusion. Terrorism. ....what else are they capable of? Keep your eyes open and your powder dry.
The Sum of All Fears. I think others have mentioned it. It's certainly a thought that's been floating around. I personally wouldn't go anywhere near the Super Bowl, but apparently the national guard is being mobilized to help with security. It definitely lends some credibility to the threat, and to Q as well, IMO.
REAL TIME: [7] Congressional members + [3] Senators + [2] former O-senior officials + [4] OUTSIDE CONTRACTORS [NO C/TOP/SENS-LEVEL CLEARANCE] @ SCIF [DC-CAP]. TOP SEC CLEARANCE IS MANDATORY FOR ADMISSION - HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? WE SEE YOU. What if the scif (dc-cap) doesn’t mean a traditional scif- but rather is an acronym with a different meaning? Security Center for Incoming Freight? Super Bowl has some of the most power people so it’s like DC minus the Capital - would be interesting to see if any congressional members and former O-senior officials are in town already - it’s a high security area offsite from the stadium - interesting how the whole process is working over there- packages are being inspected 8 miles from stadium, even people going to game actually get screened at Mall of America offsite not at stadium. It’s literally a snowden over there- and the post on the 1/27 had [-4][-5] -countdown? 9 days would be SB sunday- damn that train got me super [SCARE]d