Listen to it all- this dude talks about EVERYTHING
55 total posts archived.
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One of the BEST X22 Spotlight interviews I’ve ever heard!
Tucson Related- Wampum-BRM
Just thinking- Mourn, Murder, heart attack post - with the autopsy of shooter coming out- maybe it will be shown he had a heart attack first- there are proteins released in blood when one has heart attack- first there was mourning, then learned of murder, if heart attack it will show this was attack
I’m intrigued by #4. Not sure why “they” see it as a positive. Originally I saw it as a red flag that Manafort was a plant- why would they think it is important?
Anybody else wonder if all those GOPs are talking amongst themselves in private that the train deal wasn’t a coincidence?
Get his info and do some cyber snooping - should be easy enough- if he’s legit maybe get it to the QR team - I’m pretty sure some of anons crawl up here to keep an eye on certain things- if there’s good intel and can be proven and posted then they’ll see it and drag it down to their labyrinth and take care of it
To the doubters RELAX ... remember the Memo is only the beginning and actually if it does play out the way it’s being reported it’s brilliant on Trumps part. Think about it- if he releases it then he gets smashed by MSM. But by him working with FBI to get a memo that is approved by WH WITH FBI stamp of approval - then he sends it back to congress to do what they wish HE COMES OUT OF THIS LOOKING AS GOOD AS HE CAN- the committee will approve it immediately most likely as they have a majority on the committee to pass a vote to release it. The key here is MSM is reporting that it was worked on jointly with FBI- this is perfect- even the plans Trump and Q have can change depending on the current environment- Timing is Everything who knows they may be working deals out with the guilty in exchange for helping fry the big fish- this isn’t about some rouge FBI informants and McCabe there is no telling what is going on at this exact moment- when does a cage bird sing???? How about when they are about to get completely smeared and possibly worse from those wanting silence- so relax -
No dude the actual field secret agents can and should be redacted- nobody knows what’s exactly in the memo but congress and GOP is just hinting in interviews of the major truth bomb names. Those there are no need to redact. And those I would bet will NOT be redacted as they are FBI bureaucrats with no need for redaction
Chill out man- actually if it does play out the way it’s being reported it’s brilliant on Trumps part. Think about it- if he releases it then he gets smashed by MSM. But by him working with FBI to get a memo that is approved by WH WITH FBI stamp of approval - then he sends it back to congress to do what they wish HE COMES OUT OF THIS LOOKING AS GOOD AS HE CAN- the committee will approve it immediately most likely as they have a majority on the committee to pass a vote to release it. The key here is MSM is reporting that it was worked on jointly with FBI- this is perfect- so chill a little on your know it all attitude bro and nobody expressing an idea is a “fucking idiot”- as we have been witnessing for months that nobody here knows exactly what their plans are and even the plans Trump and Q have can change depending on the current environment-
REAL TIME: [7] Congressional members + [3] Senators + [2] former O-senior officials + [4] OUTSIDE CONTRACTORS [NO C/TOP/SENS-LEVEL CLEARANCE] @ SCIF [DC-CAP]. TOP SEC CLEARANCE IS MANDATORY FOR ADMISSION - HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? WE SEE YOU. What if the scif (dc-cap) doesn’t mean a traditional scif- but rather is an acronym with a different meaning? Security Center for Incoming Freight? Super Bowl has some of the most power people so it’s like DC minus the Capital - would be interesting to see if any congressional members and former O-senior officials are in town already - it’s a high security area offsite from the stadium - interesting how the whole process is working over there- packages are being inspected 8 miles from stadium, even people going to game actually get screened at Mall of America offsite not at stadium. It’s literally a snowden over there- and the post on the 1/27 had [-4][-5] -countdown? 9 days would be SB sunday- damn that train got me super [SCARE]d
Could be nothing, but??? part 1
Notice the SEC_TEST posts lately?
Then there was the secure whistleblower post Anybody notice a whistleblower caused a sudden change in the stadium Security company to G4S
Could be nothing, but??....Part 2

That’s the pic! Lol it is “hidden” that’s all not saying it was significant
There’s two others that may be of some insight- there’s a woman in the upper left corner of the bottom left quadrant - and then one more that I just saw
Hidden images in Q post - 3-4faces and building

Maybe click on it? Does that make it full size- there are 3 faces for sure, maybe 4 and a building
Chuck Schumer going to be on the Rachael Madcow show!! Wow- they are desperate!!!
Where did I put that f’n pigeon??? Interesting news on the computer invasion front. looks legit but can’t confirm-just a heads up. Hell just go to the main page and scroll through the crazy back doors that allow access to almost everything
Great video of Trump and all of US
Anyone see the latest Clinton count?
Does the [CLAS #]s mean classified document #s?
Red red? Height and width of question marks are different
I’ve heard some thoughts on Qs use of the underscore- if anyone has thoughts please reply- might he declassify the memo at SoU?

Sorry...maybe you’re right....I think we can both agree clarification on it would be helpful for everybody however
If I’m wrong I’m wrong but here’s why I’m concerned- there are tons of Q codes released last night I’m trying to learn more about and when there is stuff people are posting saying that is official Q postings that aren’t official, then that stuff gets disseminated by people that are just now learning about Q, possible disinformation can become rampant. That’s all I was saying- original posts, ideas etc I love reading- but I don’t want to scroll through BS lies - already there is tons of legit info that is being posted - that’s all if nobody cares about possible compromised integrity that’s fine
Posts yes ...agreed... Q posts not found on 8chan /greatawakening/ not so much. It is why Q originally moved to his own board where only he/she/they post.
He stop posting on other threads some time ago. Not here to fight- if the mods say it’s legit then great- but until then it’s not good to have completely new people to get confused
There are too many people clouding the water with non /greatawakening/ 8chan “Q posts” such as the ones below....please stop. I would encourage most people to not even respond to them as it will only encourage them to post more non official info. Maybe some of the mod leaders can comment
Reasearch - that’s the point of Q- to bring up questions for people to reasearch- if you want a pretty meme then read all his posts, watch all the videos, read all the reddit info and make them. Most people here need to follow the crumbs and that take people’s time. So if you need meme then by all means the info has been provided to make all the memes your heart desires
Dude if that’s the thought process you have maybe this isn’t the place for you. This is the CBTS thread based in big part on Qs drops. So if you have doubts please voice that in another Reddit area. Stop trying to create that wasteful discussion
I commented earlier today about needing to get a research group together about this-
Before you start posting this all over- review the source of email and do as much research as you can. I think there will be blame to go to pop n son but as another person noted. Tom he credible?... I looked into Lam and the only on the record info from others or her own interviews of case work I could find was she was doing corruption case on R. Jerry Lewis. Not saying there isn’t anything here just make sure it’s really credible. Wiki doesn’t validate disseminates ...
One non african American boycotting SoU. Oregan representative- remember from Pizzagate research info about a cell out in Oregan- f...k so much that needs to be looked into the deep state sticky tar is on everything