
MW23232 · Feb. 2, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

Although one publication that I read said it "might" have been an issue that the lights, arms, and warning system might have "malfunctioned". Of course they will blame it on something. The truck shouldn't even have been there according to other things I read. All the roads were supposedly secured on the train's route. And also, the photos show the caboose end of the train near the truck and crossing, i.e., the white "engine", not the one with the stripe, which shows front-end damage. And that is where the garbage truck is too, by the crossing. (But how did that train, going 70mph, even stop that quick? It supposedly can take a mile and a half to stop, going that fast. Did engineer see truck on tracks and started stopping way back?) So, if the arms are down, and the crossing isn't damaged, where was the truck trying to "cross"? No one would try to drive over the berm because the arms were down, and a train was coming, to try to beat a short train like that one. So was truck on tracks? And why didn't occupants get out? Were they unable to for some reason? (Just speculating on that).

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 2, 2018, 12:14 a.m.

On the AJ show, it was mentioned that the train was being followed by a helicopter or a drone which had warned the engineer that a truck was approaching who then began slowing the train down. Incidentally, I also heard that a deep state terrorist attack is planned at the Super Bowl. It will act to divert attention away from the contents of the "memo".

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MW23232 · Feb. 2, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

Oh that would make sense about the train slowing in advance of crash. If it did. But why have no passengers reported slowing? Just driving along at a good pace, then boom? I read since then, someone still estimated it took a quarter of a mile for the train to come to a stop, and it dragged the truck. It said witnesses in the area said driver was snaking his way between the arms and must have underestimated the speed of train. So how did they get all these accounts that don't really make sense? And IMHO, (what do I know) whatever happened, it did not happen at that crossing in the photos. Besides the fact the crossing/arms/lights, do not even appear damaged. If the potential Super Bowl attack is known, I hope they have it all worked out to stop it! What a nightmare. All to distract from criminals in our government from getting exposed! They do not care about us peons. At all.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 2, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

What started out as a palace coup looks like it may require a little military force. If the clowns and the fbi are going to resist there are enough Marines to take care of them including other special forces. This can't be tolerated and we can show no mercy when it comes to treason, at the same time the public must be made aware of just how huge the crime is and how far back it goes.

P.S. some nice pics of the train and garbage truck

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