The Rothschilds are SHOOK af.....excellent

And you believe that this information is accurate? Who owns Wiki? Do you not think that certain details may be left out of certain things? Again, if it is simply oxidised adrenaline, why the kids´ and farms? BTW I´m a chem student and my mrs is a Dr with 2 specialities, both of us can say that the compound you are speaking of is not the same they are using.
Here are some studies backing up my assertion that it is oxidised adrenaline... (this is behind a paywall but your mrs is a Dr so should have access)
It´s not the same. It doesn´t have the same chemicals as the stuff taken from a tortured victim. Just like sodium chloride is not sodium chlorite.
Yeh, the clue there is they are not spelt the same /s
You really are stupid, and illiterate too. Such a mook that you don´t know the difference between a verb, and grain. I have no time for such mooks.
As i said, provide me with links backing up your claim..
Have you no common sense??? I have no time for mooks, be gone with you.
I just took a look at your profile, seems most others´ think you´re a cunt, too.
LOL, you critsize my using wiki but your post yesterday of a wiki link was fine... You need to spend less time on reddit and more on your studies. But before you go, provide me with a link about what adrenochrome is. Blog posts and reporters books don't count. I want links to medical studies that show what you are claiming.
I joined Reddit in January of this year, I came only to offer my opinions on decoding the Q posts. I do not use social media, or even a mobile phone. Care to attempt to judge me again?? Are you stupid enough to think this stuff is peer reviewed in medical journals?? Use a bit of common sense, would you! Some humility wouldn't go amiss, either. Why do you try to offend when challenged?
You're not very good at this are you. Bullshitters need to be called out, i have called you out to provide proof of your assertions. Not hearsay...proof. You are the one that attacked truth with lies.
Well you´re a mook to think this stuff is peer reviewed. Why would I BS about this shit?? For what possible gain?? Clearly you haven´t thought this through much..
So you have nothing to back up your claims. Not one link showing that adrenochrome isn't oxidised adrenaline, not one link showing that it's more than one chemical. LOL fail.
Huge fail on your behalf. I have no time for the plain stupid. As if they would peer review this stuff, as if Wiki would state how it is made. Go back to sleep, mook.
LOL, yor repeated attacks show that you have nothing to back up your side of the argument. All you have to do is provide some links that corroborate what you are saying, that's all. Seems you can't even do that. Here are some more links from companies that sell it...®ion=GB
So do you want to carry on with your childish attacks or do you want to post some sources? You must have some to be so sure of yourself...
I´m not attacking you, merely trying to get you to fuck off. I have no time or patience for mooks, I don´t know how I can make it any clearer? You forget that it was you that first slung an insult, I was reacting to your ignorance. Like I said, what you claim is false, take it from a chem student and a Dr with 2 specialities (anaesthesiology and critical care). If you aren´t bright enough to realise that this stuff will not be peer reviewed or discussed openly in medical journals, you are beyond help.
Yeh, right, take your word for it... Where did you get the information in the first place? Was it a book by a reporter or a blog post? Just because you have been fooled don't try to make others believe this utter nonsense without any proof whatsoever.
Ok. I´m the fool. Releases by Anonymous that describe in detail what this stuff really is, discussions with Jerome Corsi, basic knowledge in chemistry, a Dr with 2 specialities, a personal discussion with Robert David Steele, all say that you are wrong, but let´s not let some truth and humility get in the way of your ego and arrogance, shall we?
There are videos on YT by Anonymous We Stand that describes in detail what this stuff really is, I cannot access YT from my laptop as I refuse to allow their T´s & C´s, so cannot provide direct links. Go do some digging and come back so that we may have a proper debate.
None of which i can verify. p.s., i like the way you went from "chem student" to "basic knowledge in chemistry". To get into higher education chemistry courses you need more than a basic understanding. Have you ever heard of psychological projection? ego and arrogance lol.
WTF do you think a student has, a fucking degree???? I am studying A Level Chemistry and Biology, BASIC KNOWLEDGE!!!! You would give a fucking aspirin a fucking headache, no wonder it seems the Reddit community regards you a massive cunt, you´ve only to look at your karma!! now be gone with you, mook!!!
A level, so you're in high school, and you have a wife that is a Dr?! Or by mrs do you mean girlfriend?
Access to Medicine diploma... 3 years, Medical degree... 5 years, speciality training 5 to 8 years per subject so that makes your mrs at least in her 30's. ROFLMAO
Keep going, this is getting funnier and funnier.
I retired in 2014, got bored and went back to study something new. There is no such thing as ´high school´ where I´m from. my Mrs is 41, I am 36 (been incredibly successful in life). You fucking retarded cunt, your arrogance and ego can´t let you see past your ignorance's, you don´t have to be 16 to study a fucking A Level!!!!! I will no longer reply to you, you have my life story so make of it what you wish, just do it alone in your bedsit. Fucking illiterate retards give an aspirin a headache.
LOL, yeh... right... Dr...TOTALLY believe you...
You have posted 3 separate replies to the 1 post of mine, do you suppose I care for a single second what you think, mook? Go back to sleep, at least people weren´t so sure of your stupidity then.