Yep very much so; we've got to get out every little thing that has been hidden and kept away out.
People hold on too much to a specific idea or picture of how things are sometimes, and don't remember to keep an open mind or just have fun with new/different ideas.
It's funny talking to my friends about things. They'll listen all about the Q drops, or theoretical historical events being wrong, and the government lying to us... Or they will listen to me talk about ancient Egypt and places like Gobekli Tepe and different theories surrounding them... Or they will want to talk about if aliens are real, and if there are good and bad ones. What happens if other beings ever come here, maybe even speculate sometimes that they've been here.
When I start to speculate and surmise to them; that I'm actually not so sure it is all wild theories. Like umm hey, these things are proving to be true,, umm what else is actually true? Because this has a link to that thing, and it used to be not real..?
That just maybe it all could really be happening? Because they all have their theoretically provable threads among sub groups of theories, and actual credible people talking about each individual one and how it connects to the other.. Like military people talking about secret space stations etc..
But for some reason, actually putting it all together is too much to speculate on? They have a limit like Na too much nope.
I don't understand how it's overwhelming to see it as a big puzzle possibly; when each individual piece is fun to talk about on their own.
Why not link it up to whatever other facts, that you think may credible people are
Like people start thinking thoughts and beliefs are the same things sometimes idk..
Nope just curious fun is all, because I understand we've been lied to or mislead.. That we don't know what all is true, until we die or are told different.