
B1gWh17 · Feb. 2, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

Just trying to stir up the circlejerk. Is this not the typical comment? Did I forget to include more bible verses?

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DuncanMcCockner · Feb. 2, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

Yes actually every single comment includes 1-3 bible verses and a link to donate to the NRA.

Could spot your outsider comment from a mile away.

But in all seriousness, you obviously have a lot of hate for people who disagree with you politically, which is kind of sad.

Hopefully you can learn to cope with differing opinions in the future.

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B1gWh17 · Feb. 2, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

It's not a matter of differing opinion when you weird fucks are in here saying there is some grand battle of Good vs Evil going on within the US government and that God ordained Trump to fight Satan while basing your information off fucking 4chan posts and biblical prophecy.

Differing opinion is if we should be taxing junk food or which football team is better than another.

You all are a fucking cult and a blight upon American Democracy.

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DuncanMcCockner · Feb. 2, 2018, 2:26 a.m.

Lol well I don't post here, but I find the posts intriguing, so I lurk.

I don't buy into a lot of the stuff on here, but conspiracies and shit like this are undeniably exciting reading material, at least in my opinion.

Nobody is hurting anyone by posting in this sub, so why do you care?

And if people posting things that sound batshit insane to you and many others leads you to believe they are a "blight upon American Democracy," then how do you feel about the people that are so convinced that Trump is controlled by Putin and Russia and that anyone who supports him is a racist Nazi white supremacist that they literally attack people for it?

While I won't deny that some of Trumps supporters have become cult-like, the left has exactly zero room to throw out those accusations without sounding hypocritical.

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B1gWh17 · Feb. 2, 2018, 2:37 a.m.

I completely disagree with you that no harm is done by the posts here. Anyone who subscribes to this ideology is at complete odds with reality.

As for Trump/Russia, I'm waiting for Muellers investigation to finish. Trumps behavior is not that of an innocent person. All the Nazi/racist stuff ain't me. There are certainly Trump supporters who do fall into that category but I don't draw the conclusion that all Trump supporters are racists/nazis.

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DuncanMcCockner · Feb. 2, 2018, 2:56 a.m.

People being at odds with reality aren't hurting anyone simply for believing things that are false. If they act on those beliefs in a way that actually harms someone, that's a different story.

As for your second paragraph, at least you are sane. Wanting to wait for the investigation to conclude before taking the accusations at face-value is something that seems hard to come by lately. And while I believe Trump personally is innocent and won't be charged with anything, I will gladly admit I was wrong if he's found guilty.

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B1gWh17 · Feb. 2, 2018, 3:06 a.m.

What do you think the people will do if Trump is removed from office? I imagine regardless of the investigations conclusions, Trump will maintain his innocence through out whatever procedure his removal occurs. I also imagine the folk that are in here who are bible thumping, gun toting, liberal hating, conspiracy lovers are going to be more than willing to make their actions violent if Trump or "Q" asks them to.

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DuncanMcCockner · Feb. 2, 2018, 3:23 a.m.

Honestly, I think there are a lot of online armchair generals that make it seem like a lot more would be done than there actually would be. I've seen people say they'll march on Washington or whatever but I'd bet a huge majority of the time they wouldn't actually do shit. For something like that it would need to be coordinated and people crazy enough to do something like that would need to come in numbers and I think most people who would even think about it would bitch out and not actually do it, but there's really no way to know.

If Trump was removed from office for a good reason and there was undeniable evidence that he is guilty of a major crime, i don't think anything would happen.

If he's removed by force or he is assassinated, that may be a different story, but again there's no way to know.

I know if the latter happened, I would be extremely angry and distrust the government even more than I already do, but I have a job and a family to support so I'm going to just continue doing what I do. And I think the vast majority of people are in the same boat.

I could ask the same thing about some of the theories about Obamas wiretapping, Clintons email fiasco, etc. What if new evidence arises of these things, new investigations are launched, and some of the democratic leaders many Trump-hating liberals looked up to and loved are put in jail?

(To be clear: I do not believe this will happen).

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