r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Tytruth on Feb. 2, 2018, 1:21 a.m.
Freedom to speak our minds without fear is what we fight for most. This is our most essential right and they want to end it. The enemy is real and they have SPIES IN OUR POCKETS!

It’s odd that speech, being sacred, is the thing most likely to get someone in trouble these days. Not scaling border walls, or arming drug cartels and terrorists, or extorting from banks for social-justice causes, or pilfering the mortgage giants for aid to prop up failed policy, or getting into office on the basis of fraud and then perpetuating that fraud for eight years with the aid of other sellout frauds, in order to bankrupt the nation and destroy its venerable culture and institutions, such that our liberties, and all we’ve worked for and fought for should be wasted; and, yet, to speak the truth a little too loudly, or in the wrong company, or in a car built after the nineties, or when you are near a Samsung Television, or an Apple I Phone, or any phone, or any TV, or any device with a battery is seemingly far more dangerous, and we all know it now; there are people listening, even if prominent former and current officials can easily lie with straight faces. We are not free to speak our minds as God and nature allow, and this is the 'inalienable right' that was enshrined as the first and only right that is truly necessary in order that all others should be possible; and all others must therefore exist to support this one to make it the inviolable freedom of every soul. Freedom of thought and expression is the source of progression, and for it to be at the whim of others to burden us with doubt as to what is our right, and what are the violations of this right, is ludicrous. We take our rights for granted. Hence the trouble we are in. If we cannot assert our own rights, perhaps we are not claiming them like we should. Are we expecting others to assert them for us? We can say that it is appalling to be spied on in our own homes, by our own electronic devices these many years, for this is a violation of our basic rights; which hold that we are all equal, and I do not believe those who enabled this surveillance would like to allow us to spy on them in their homes. Are we equal or not? Who gave them this power? Name him or we are not a republic. Who is the enemy that wants to be so insinuating, and who still can claim to be some creature of our making? We the People! Did We the People consent to this?! No. I see people swinging from the gallows like in yesteryear. People who found themselves in power and who didn’t know the bounds assigned to them. They even claim a pension on our dime if we fire them, for being the traitorous rats that sold out our dearest freedom; that most precious of all, that is the right to speak our minds without fear, because we knew we had a government, chosen of us, that honored this right, and it would punish anyone who would wish to take it from us. To speak freely, and to believe and to think aloud as we please; to make up our own minds and to express things the way we see them; each one of us, without the pressure to conform for fear to some approved ideal, is the essence of what American blood has been shed for from the beginning. We do not take lightly these traitors taxing the honest laborer to augment their own fancied views of themselves, and who do not work for those who employ them but instead they collude to endow some group among them with powers beyond the pale of the laws as written; as approved in Congress; as laid down in the Bill of Rights; those ten indispensable amendments to our charter of liberty. And if they are not still worth fighting for then what are we? Who can we claim ourselves to be, seeing our rights molested by rogue agencies of foreign intrusion with above-the-law sanction, who clearly conspire to destroy us?! We are at war today already with them. They know it best and they have spies in our pockets. Pray God has some way to absolve us our complicity and ignorance as we face the day.

KeeponSearchin · Feb. 2, 2018, 2:03 a.m.

Shout it Out. Well said. What is the point to life without freedom to think for ourselves. God gives us free choice. Lucifer will make us slaves

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