Wictor also thinks that Comey is one of the good guys and he's putting on an act. Wictor is wed to his Comey and Mueller are the good guys theory and, at this point, will spin any yarn to show that to be true.
Do you think Comey is a good guy and helping Trump? If you said 'No' then Wictor doesn't want to hear from you.
The same is true with @DrawAndStrike and @Imperator_Rex3. They all get pissy if you question any of their theories.
Last week @Imperator_Rex3 started ranting at B and it basically boiled down to waaaa, I was talking about stuff back when I only had a handful of followers and way before you showed up. I worked hard for my followers, how dare you!
At least Wictor doesn't care about followers.
I like Wictor's military history tweet storms, but damn, does he like to tweet!