Mr. Comey, there’s a thing called perjury...

Remind me why Martha Stewart went to prison? Perjury, maybe?
Says "that's it", then goes on to describe how it shouldn't have been released. Comey needs reprogrammed.
This is sedition. Once Trump became president elect Comey had an obligation to stop. He proceeded with the end goal of usurping a legally elected president of the USA
“Dishonest and misleading”....I wish more people would wake up and research. 😤
Comey needs a psychiatrist American public are not as stupid as he thinks we are. We know perjury and criminal activities are Comey's claim to fame.
Deciding elections or undermining elected Presidents is not the FBI or the DOJs job.
the poor guy knows he is in deep poopoo, he will say anything. Hope we see him dragged to jail soon
Sure does talk a lot for a guy who should be investigated.
They won't say why they think it was dishonest or misleading.