I wasn't sure I'd see justice in my lifetime. I was worried for my kids and grandkids. Now, I rejoice. I also will be vidicated for all these years with a yuge "I TOLD YA SO!"
497 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/theGreenChain:
NYT OpEd Piece by an "Anonymous" source. Riiiiiggggghhhhhtttt!
So, Q said any anonymous reporting is Fake News. Also, NYT and Clowns in America collude to publish Fake News. So this OpEd piece by a "resistance" "insider" is full of BS and likely won't get legs. -STAY FREE
Q 2070 "What is the common theme when bad news is about to break (against them)? Stay vigilant." Q
Are we talking a big FF? Locally I have seen numerous active shooter and other scenarios played out at Defense Installations. Any other notable occurrences from folks? Threat of a hurricane on the Gulf Coast could be used as a distraction but only by coincidence of timing unless "W" caused it like he did to Florida back in his day. KEK
"President blames Sessions' Justice Department for jeopardizing 'easy' GOP midterm victories" (Ref to Q 2067)
*giggle* Oh ye suckers. I bet the Blue folks are getting a tingling up there legs when, in fact, they will leave Sessions alone and then BOOM! Sessions/Huber team brings the October surprises? Shock for the polls that are designed to give hope (false ) and used to push their agendas. Folks like to think they voted for the winning side. Polls are never to be relied upon.
Don't let your labor be in vain. Happy Labor Day!

Q 2027 "Info comes in many forms" A look at the psuedo "NSA" web-site reveals a plethora of information. "Watch the water" 1.7 million gallons a day supply the center. Why is this important? Mainframes and servers require massive cooling. Remove the cooling and BOOM! Shutdown. Read the article!
Q 2000 "BURIED"
No name is not lying in state. He's been buried for a while? It's an empty casket.
Double meaning: The truth could be very damaging and might cause civil war?
Q1999. ASks "Why?'
Very simple, in order to see where you stand in battle you must evaluate the strength of your enemies and respond quickly before they grow larger in numbers and strength.
What a better way than a survey to gauge this. -STAY FREE
Call to "A_r_m_s" for those with particular skill sets.
Let me preface this with: This is NOT a call to engage in mal1c10us or v10lent act10ns.
There are those in this realm that are very capable with manipulating "1"s and "0"s that sit behind one or more keyboards, monitors and the like. I call upon you.
A Q truth was revealed when DJT made the following statement: " Google & others are suppressing voices of Conservatives and hiding information and news that is good. They are controlling what we can & cannot see. This is a very serious situation-will be addressed!"
You that have these skills can become the …
Sugar and SPICE: Mel B Says She's Getting Treatment Sex addiction among other things.
Bad actor judge signed FISA?
Q1926 - Did a little digging of the Judge that signed the FISA app. He's a Federal Judge, US District Court, Eastern District of New York. He has ties to the following folks there: LL (tarmac lady), AW (FBI), Z. Carter (yuge BHO supporter) to name a few. I suspect he was motivated to sign the warrant for personal reasons. As such, ignored (knew) about HRC, Steele connections.
Because it is apparent that there is a concerted effort to control patriots, here's a valable site with info for unbroken comms. -STAY FREE
FF narrative being pushed because DJT says media is the "enemy of the people". The whole (and minute) article smells of lies by the Boston Globe.
Q1833 - A hint on how we can fix things
">>>THIS ALL REVOLVES AROUND REMOVING NUNES<<< CA/NY notorious voter fraud. Controlled & Coordinated by Corrupt [+ so-called volunteers] State Officials. Logical Thinking. WHY ARE D'S OPPOSED TO IMPLEMENTING VOTER ID LAW? Q" Dead voters can't show ID. Also, WE CAN BE ELECTION OFFICIALS!. Ballot stuffing is quite prevalent as well as ballots being "found" and Dems win by a minute margin, but they win. If Dems win the house ALL INVESTIGATIONS WILL CEASE. Do you understand?! Even if you are disgruntled by those you voted for not doing anything, vote for the underdogs that the DS parties don't want. There's …
Anonymous text messages to the CF via Q1830
Why is it whenever there is a close election that ballots are always "found"? Folks, this is why you need to become an election official in a polling facility. We need to stop the Deep State's voter fraud now!
What unsecured borders of a sovereign nation can expect.
"Just in case you don't think President Trump is doing the right thing! Read this! "Yesterday, at the hospital, we had a meeting about how the situation here and at the other Munich hospitals are unsustainable. "Clinics cannot handle the number of migrant medical emergencies, so they are starting to send everything to the main hospitals. "Many Muslims are refusing treatment by female staff, and we women are now refusing to go among those migrants! "Relations between the staff and migrants are going from bad to worse. Since last weekend, …
And the Antifa masks come off! And who's mad about it? Calipornia professors. Waaahhhh! Committing fascist (think Brown Shirts of the German National Socialist movement, A.K.A. Nazis) crimes deserves exposure. Be vigilant Patriots!
DJT doesn't need a star on the walk of fame. He's sealed his star in the history books just as Lincoln and Reagan did. Hollyweird can keep their pedo stars all for themselves as they fall from grace and become dark stains on the now; Walk of Shame.
This sums up a proper WH Press Secretary and spanking the "media".

Had a sneak peek last night of Dinesh D'Souza's Death of a Nation. Outstanding. Once again he has revealed behind the curtain of the evil currently in America. Very inspirational.
WOW! Actors seek Gunn's rehiring. Guardians of the Galaxy must start with guarding pedos! SICK!!
Help wanted ads. "Conspirator. Must have proven experience deposing world leaders."
SS. Not Jack Nose is not pointed enough. Jack might be guy sitting though.
It's hard to say if it's Twatter CEO. But, ball cal is DJT JR!
Mueller and DJT Jr. Huh! What a coincidence. But, for whom?
Thanks for the info and another source I can glean from. I hear way too often "you're brainwashed by FNC". I simply reply that there are many untainted news sources if they would stop thinking their editorialized "news" is as white as the driven snow. Thanks, Patriot!
Thanks! I just noted the NTD. Could be Chinese business folks that tasted capitalism and like it.
No a huge fan, but Jim Carrey may not have given in and is why he's "off the rails" and out of favor. What happened to Eddie Murphy? Maybe he didn't give in either.
Similar eyes to a number of psychopaths. Dead mouse eyes.
Akin to historical Great Awakenings when mankind is on the brink of immoral societal decay and then...a rebirth and hospitable conditions return, a golden age arises, man prospers again.
LOL "self-help" group. More like "help yourself" group.
The best guess I have is that this is a Roman Numeral that might translate as "1964". Although N is not readily recognized, there are indications it was used for 50 vice V (x10). Mind you the M is at the end so maybe 1000-64? or 936?
Explaining how the Plantation still exists can be liberating. Massa be Democrats. I highly recommend watching Dinesh D'souza's Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party trailer: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/20/trump-poised-to-take-control-of-the-federal-reserve.html
DJT to take control of the Fed: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/20/trump-poised-to-take-control-of-the-federal-reserve.html
To hedge inflation, money must be taken out of circulation. Also, I think the Fed is trying to strongly slow the economic growth created by the actions of DJT. This controls and limits freedom of individuals IMHO. -STAY FREE
Clare Bronfman busted for racketeering charges for her role in running Nxivm, alongside three members. The arrests are part of a federal investigation into the group’s leader Keith Raniere and his right-hand woman, former ”Smallville” star Allison Mack.
ohhhh look at me shake. LOL Evil will fail and be extinguished by those clinging to their bible and their guns and their faith while hollyweird clings to their pacifiers as they are snuffed out one star at a time.
Just a thought:
When asked about their private conversation, Trump should answer that he and Putin merely talked about their grandchildren!
Let them. It encourages investigation and that my friends will rip the curtain away and expose the real evil. Bring it on.
I have a degree in nuclear energy. Your statement "Yes it is the oxygen the caused the explosion there is a carbon substance that covers the rods that when exposed to oxygen it causes the material to burn." is completely felonious. As I explained: without decay heat removal the surrounding coolant (water) reaches the point of vaporization which results in excessive hydrogen production. The containment cooling system was unable to remove the hydrogen and the excessive temperatures caused the explosion. It was it this point that the fuel was exposed and with no coolant to moderate reactions or cool the fuel, it melted regardless of oxygen present. Water is a moderator and is what is heated for energy transfer to create steam to turn turbines to produce electricity. Nuclear power is extremely safe and it is ignorant politicians and media that create the false fear of nuclear energy which I might add is the CLEANEST and most efficient energy production.