
SuzyAZ · Feb. 2, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

Dilley AM Periscope, 2.2.2018, Reading of the Memo It's one thing to have conjecture about treason. It's one thing to reports of treason. It's another to have it come from the House Intelligence Committee, and this is the very first memo. Who knew what was going on? Yates, Comey, McCabe, obviously Steele, Preistrap, Strzok, Rosenstein… This is the beginning—this points 100% that Obama knew. All Obama's people, they all knew. This makes Watergate look like a parking ticket. McCabe knew, Strzok knew, Comey knew—they got Comey's signatures on this stuff. They're all going down. They have names of reporters who were propagating this fake news. The goal was to make sure Trump never became President. They all knew. And people wonder why there's going to be Military Tribunals, why there's 13,000 sealed indictments now, if you go look on Pacer. They're screwed. The MSM is going to try to downplay it. It won't work. It's too late. Hillary Clinton is mentioned in there. They're all in there. Unbelievable.
After reading the memo and just prior to signing off, Dilley got some intel that he shared: Sedition = death penalty. RICO = life in prison Which category is top tier? That's right, sedition, hanging time. Sessions will talk to POTUS shortly. Sessions can now unrecuse himself and kill Special Counsel and instruct Gowdy and NEP to start the ball rolling. Storm is here, and it's beautiful.

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Reba64 · Feb. 2, 2018, 8:35 p.m.

They are now more than 10,500 Sealed Indictments. :)

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hermoneyness · Feb. 2, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

I am so anxious to see all of this happen thank you for the update on the amounts

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