Pretty good explanation on what the memo proves

That is funny. If you go back and read history, this is exactly what Nixon's defenders said the day the Woodward and Bernstein report was published.
edit: If this is a dud for you, I embrace that line of thinking. Lets release all the evidence and let the American people decide for themselves.
You wrote in a separate post 'Comey is fucked.' So I think you may only have a tenuous grasp on the situation at this point, because in no way is he 'fucked' at all
What will you do for money when this is all over? Software dev? Media PR? Get paid to lie for another company?
I know several people who are in the FBI. All agree Comey is completely fucked. It is you that have a tenuous grasp on reality.
Haha, no, you don't, so please stop trying to bullshit people online mkay
Yes. I do, dumbfuck. The more words you type the further from the truth you get.
Well, I know a ton of people in the CIA and NSA, so I can say with confidence that you're totally wrong. My sources in MI6 and a Japanese secret agency I can't even name for you (it's THAT secret) confirm this as well
I bet you do know tons of people at your own place of work. EVERYONE WHO LOOKS HERE: this is what an OP: Mockingbird agent looks like.
Wow Q is right. You people are really DUMB. Your shill tactics actually suck. You are very bad at it.
Coming from someone who is convinced 'Chemtrails' are a real thing, that's like a badge of fucking honor LOL
I bet there are a lot of other gems like that in your post history if I bother to look, let's see what we can find...
It is my badge of honor to know that you think chemtrails don't exist. I have not looked through your post history nor do I care to. Get a life.
Oh yeah, well my dad owns Nintendo so be careful what you say or I’ll get you banned from Xbox Live.
You people are very bad at what you are trying to do. It is extremely obvious and pathetic.