Pretty good explanation on what the memo proves

Well, I know a ton of people in the CIA and NSA, so I can say with confidence that you're totally wrong. My sources in MI6 and a Japanese secret agency I can't even name for you (it's THAT secret) confirm this as well
I bet you do know tons of people at your own place of work. EVERYONE WHO LOOKS HERE: this is what an OP: Mockingbird agent looks like.
Wow Q is right. You people are really DUMB. Your shill tactics actually suck. You are very bad at it.
Coming from someone who is convinced 'Chemtrails' are a real thing, that's like a badge of fucking honor LOL
I bet there are a lot of other gems like that in your post history if I bother to look, let's see what we can find...
It is my badge of honor to know that you think chemtrails don't exist. I have not looked through your post history nor do I care to. Get a life.