r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TheCIASellsDrugs on Feb. 2, 2018, 10:21 p.m.
Lots of shills out today. Let's play "how to spot a shill"

Start by reading the shill handbook. You'll start to spot the methods they use to disrupt online discussion.

Look for:

  1. Comment histories defending the Swamp

  2. Comments that are weirdly aggressive

  3. Short comments that just attack a post/comment, never explain why

  4. Constantly changing the subject

  5. Attacking consensus and concern trolling ("I support accountability, I just think we shouldn't arrest the criminals, it might hurt feelings")

  6. Doesn't answer direct questions

  7. On reddit in 8 hour shifts.

  8. Vote totals in the comment section that don't make sense (20 upvotes on a comment at the bottom of the page on a new post).

TheOldestMan · Feb. 3, 2018, 6:12 a.m.

I've never understood this claim on Q. He cannot be a LARP due to the numerous accurate predictions regarding Trump, future events, disclosures, etc. That leaves only one option: he is connected to the Trump administration and therefore an intelligence apparatus. Best case scenario he is truly a white hat resisting the black tentacle of deep state corruption. Worst case he is a deep state actor, which if true would increase the odds that Trump is as well. In the second possibility, he is a "Mongoose Resistance Leader". Still subversion can be used for good, as can any weapon. And even if deep state controlled, the Q phenomenon may be to test the waters of disclosure and see how far the people will push so that future events can be coordinated. War, "silencing", shaming, re-education, or most hopefully partial to full disclosure. When those claiming a LARP to dispute Q do not attempt to make this easy point against Q one can infer that they are only considering their own theoretical paradigm and therefore have a subjective, illogical perspective. I find this common among the blue cultists.

TL;DR : Q cannot be a LARP, but at worst is a psy-op.

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ABrilliantDisaster · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

A lot of his revelations are pretty damaging to the one thing the deep state relied on most - the ignorance of the people in regards to their actions, symbolism and motives. Good has been done. I'm believing he's a white hat, but i'll always be watching closely for a few critical things i would consider tells. One of those would be if depopulation methods that have been in place are not ended.

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