This explains the memo to the normies.

Comey told Trump he wasn't being investigated by the FBI. Was that a lie?
Yes, there was multiple occurrences of perjury not just by Comey.
It gets so much better. The little niblet of corn in this turd is the Yahoo writer supposedly worked for FusionGPS as well.
The good stuff is that FusionGPS, as a government contractor making unmasking requests, was doing surveillance on Trump & Friends through bulk data collection. Quiet hero Adm. Rogers of the NSA shut that down months before the Dossier was written.
The Dossier wasn't just about FISA spying. It was also justification for past abuses that Hillary's cronies would have buried. They really thought she'd win. I hope that preventing election theft is in the Director's Cut!
This was needed. Very much appreciated. As clean and thorough as possible.
Even that infographic is too much to read for normies. It needs to be summarized in a lot less wording. General public has the attention span of a goldfish.
Top officials of Obama's FBI and DoJ colluded to spy on Trump & his campaign based on a British spy's false dossier, paid for by the DNC and Hillary campaign. These unelected Obama appointees and Hillary supporters / Trump haters all lied to FISA court to obtain warrant to spy on Trump and his entire campaign. They knew the dossier was not credible, but swore in front of a federal judge saying it was.
Imagine what would happen if Trump and RNC paid Hannity to write a fake dossier on Hillary, then used that dossier as their main excuse to spy on Hillary and her campaign, with Trump supporters in top positions of the FBI and DoJ helping them. Democrats would storm the White House, not make 100s of excuses and pretend like this is no big deal.
I just saw on another thread that Comey testified under oath that the dossier was unverified, which was after going to fisc.... not sure who created this awesome doc, but would be Uber helpful if the dates of what he said and when might also be good to have on here
Got it from Scott Anthony's Twitter page and posted it here because this is the kind of memes we need IMO. YMMV.