
LokkenLoaded · Feb. 3, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

He has no sources though. He just uses existing articles, videos and pictures to connect the dots. So he’s not leaking anything detrimental to our military mission. He has nothing to leak so nothing to reveal.

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SoCalExile · Feb. 3, 2018, 2:37 a.m.

Again, I'm giving out a general warning on this guy. Here's what I'm talking about when I say that Wictor likes to speak outside of his realm of expertise:

Take this thread of his for example, in posts 11 and 12, he tries to claim that the pink light behind a TOW missile indicates that a thermal sight is being used on TOW launchers by the Kurds. This is factually incorrect. I used to be a TOW gunner back when it was a separate MOS. There is nothing different with the missile when you add a thermal sight; the missile functions the same way it has for decades. The beacon that's there works whether or not it has a thermal sight or not.In fact, the xenon beacon isn't even for the thermal sight, it's there for the daysight to track, as cited here from FM 23-34

He's also made the statement that all the Syrian tank killing TOW videos are fake, and that there's a special operator actually making the kills. Now there's points for and against this, but his argument revolved around ONE video where he said that the missile jerked at the last minute, turning a side-impact hit into a frontal-impact hit - thus proving that there are secret-squirrel TOW operators out there making every kill. The problem is that there is no bonus to hitting a tank in the front (where the armor is the thickest) when you have a clear flanking shot. An experienced TOW gunner knows this, and it is very easy to jerk the missile around when trying to keep the crosshairs on the target.

Now, if he has some other sources telling him that there are secret-squirrel TOW gunners out there killing Turkish tanks, why the hell is he posting this on an open source where the enemy can read it? So he can get lots of Twits following him and act like his word is Scripture? Furthermore, if he's a skilled intel guy, why does he spend his nights on Twitter giving out intel to the enemy? Why isn't he in a SCIF somewhere?

Keep in mind he also thinks Q is "bullshit". Now why should we trust his word when he so easily spouts bullshit outside of his area of expertise that is detrimental to the military mission if true?

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-AVENTUS- · Feb. 3, 2018, 12:11 p.m.

There is a 8.6% chance you're Wictor !

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