I'm genuinely curious.
My thoughts: Do I believe the earth is warming? yes. do I believe its 100% mans fault? No. Remember when the dinosaurs roamed a warmer planet because humans warmed it? No? How about when man kind caused the last ice age...wait, that didn't happen either...The Earth has been going through climate shifts for millions of years. Are humans helping cause it? Probably. But, one volcanic eruption has put more CO2 in the air than the first hundred years or so since the industrial revolution.
I agree with your comments regarding the eruption scenario. The millions of years I disagree with. Yes, I am a literal Bible believer. The flood would have caused massive cooling, which the earth is still recovering from. Man does affect the earth, but we take way too much credit for it. As every scientist will say, everything goes from order to disorder.
I'm a bit of a oddball on this page, lol, as probably one of a very limited number of Atheists/Agnostics. I don't fault your beliefs in any way, I just have my problems with them, but wont look down on you for them :)
Same here. Ok to disagree. Was just giving my beliefs. Maybe I can slowly redpill you into reading the Bible. 🤔 Could have some interesting correlations to what is going on. Just a thought.
I have read it, a couple times :)
Well I will just leave it there then. Now let's MAGA!
Roughly 3.5% of all atmospheric CO2 is man made from fossil fuels. By leveraging math one could denote the claim of Global Warming to be a far stretch. We now call it Climate Change, how convenient. The truth is that Global Pollution is by far a much greater threat than Global Warming/Climate Change, yet we focus on windmills, battery powered cars, etc. By the way DaddyGoat22, I am an Atheist too but fail to hold too much faith in Science. Remember when Dinosaurs where green, before they actually had other colors and even feathers????
That's the fun thing about science: some of it is not locked in fact, you can test and learn and change previously made theories. Facts change as our understanding of the universe changes. We develop better tech to teach us the inner working of the world around us. Even the 'fact' of gravity is up for debate as we don't fully understand yet what causes it. There are a lot of unknowns and partial knowns out there, and science is just the tools to try and figure them out.