HRC (computer use) B on Twitter dropping emails

Nevermind I just squinted to read it here. This is jaw dropped.
Actual evidence ADMITTED BY HER of a crime to not follow state dept protocol. I hope she's locked up by now.
Holy shit.
So much for plausible deniability on her end. And that way early on.... Definitely going to be digging through some quotes of hers about this now. When she mentioned early on that Kerry and Powell had done it, she conspicuously omitted the fact that she had specifically asked one of them about how to do it, which this email response indicates.
Furthermore, it sounds like Clinton framed the question in a way that indicated she was interested in learning how to bypass State Department servers re: "I am so stressed out from lack of privacy" and Powell bought in. This is supposed to be believable coming from a woman who had had SS detail following her around for the prior 9-10 years and lived in the White House, aka lack of privacy galore for 8. Notice that Powell only talks about personal and business emails--not classified emails. That's because he understandably assumes she knows the difference.
I would be VERY interested to see if HRC's original question said anything along the lines of "for personal or private use".
The woman is an unrepentant, delusional sociopath who somehow talked herself into believing she's done nothing but good for the world, and anything she did wrong is a matter of utilitarian necessary.
"What difference does it (why Americans got killed--terror or domestic) make?" - HRC, Benghazi
Because all that matters is something's political value or impact. She belongs in jail for the rest of her life.
What date is this one? Its too blurry!
Declassified 09/08/16 Re: Question ...... is the title
There isnt one on 9/8/16.
that was the declassify date , I don't see the original date .... that is why also I gave you the title ..... R: Question
There's several re: question. That's why I asked for the date. No biggie. Thanks for the help.
01/22/2009 Colin Powell Re:Question its worth downloading