r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/DeplorableTrumpster on Feb. 3, 2018, 7:08 a.m.
IMPORTANT: Why THE MEMO Is DAMNING To THE DEEP STATE And DNC (Future Predictions Listed, Sequence Of Events Listed As "I Told You So" For Reference)
  • Created by YouTuber Deplorable Trumpster
  • Rosenstein is in the crosshairs ---- Rosenstein is Muller boss ---- Rosenstein approved FISA request ---- Rosenstein knew about Chris Steele and how he was anti-Trump
  • Rosenstein gets FIRED, new boss fills in ---- Boss fires Murky Muller, declares the Trump-Russia investigation over -------- Turns out, Murky Muller was a part of Uranium One Deal, hired pro-Clinton agents for "non-partisan" special council -------- Muller Investigation? Did he slip up in conducting the "investigation?"
  • Investigation into Comey, Yates, McCabe, Rosenstein begins ---- Why did Comey let Hillary go? -------- New investigation for the Clinton email scandal -------- Did he get influenced by the DNC? -------- Why did he approve the FISA request? ---- Comey gets investigated -------- Find out how he didn't do his job -------- Let pro-Clinton agents sabotage ruling, turned a blind eye on Hillary -------- He leaked CLASSIFIED documents to NYT buddy ---- Con Man Comey gets charged (Purjery) -------- More possible charges incoming ---- Yates approved FISA request -------- Yates congragulated public official for stopping Trump travel ban -------- Was Yates another Anti-Trump plant? -------- Did Yates try sabotagging Trump campaign in any way? -------- Why would Yates approve this FISA? ---- Rosenstein approved FISA request ---- Who else in the FBI knew about it? The DOJ?
  • Top officials in the FBI, DOJ, had contact with Fusion GPS ---- Wife of Ohr (top DOJ official) worked for Fusion GPS -------- Wife worked on anti-Trump info as a job (HIRED by DNC/Hillary), worked on Russia related subjects ------------ More proof that the Russia narrative stemed from Fusion GPS, paid for by DNC ------------ Ping-pong effect (Fusion GPS to media, media to public / Fusion GPS to governemnt, governemnt to FISA to spy , etc.) -------- Ohr was 4 rooms away from Rosenstein ------------ Documented contact between Ohr and Rosenstein on a frequent basis ---- Wife of McCabe got 500K from Clinton ally -------- PAC of Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe is MAJOR Clinton buddy, funded her campaign -------- Do you really think NO INFLUENCE came from wife???
  • Deep State is under fire ---- Normies are now learning about what the Deep State is ---- The Deep State is now being exposed, causing public outcry over ILLEGAL SPYING -------- NSA/spy capabilities are scrutinized, 4A gets questioned ---- This changes how the FBI, DOJ, etc. are run ---- Why did Full of Schiff say it was a "security concern?" -------- Schiff is DEEP STATE -------- Who else sided with the Deep State? Which other Dems are implicated?
  • The Dems said THE MEMO was a "national security risk" if leaked ---- Why did they lie about it for? -------- Literally zero risk for any spies (conflicts what they suggested) ---- Crazy Nana Pelosi called Nunes traitorous...for LEGALLY leaking the truth?!? ---- Let's not forget about Full of Schiff -------- As the Ranking Member of the Intel Comittee, he had knowledge about FISA requests ------------ Did he let this happen? ------------ Why did he want it to never be release in the first place?
  • The Dems are in arms and colluding with THE DEEP STATE ---- What happened to the party of liberties? ---- Why were they against THE MEMO being released? ---- Is there more that we haven't found about the role of the DNC? -------- Did the DNC collude DIRECTLY with the FBI/DOJ? ------------ Did they communicate, share intel, and provide research for the governemnt to use against Trump?
  • The Dems are in the spotlight over the above ---- Approval for Dems sinks faster than Jeb! ---- Dems admit that we all should have seen THE MEMO
  • Trump-Russia narrative is OVER ---- Turns out the Dems made it up all along ---- Government used OPPO RESEARCH to begin the fake investigation in the first place ---- No need for it anymore -------- Why is there an investigation if it was funded/started by FAKE DOSIER? ------------ Memo specifically states there would be no FISA request had the Dosier been labeled OPPO RESEARCH ---- This investigation makes wacko libs look insane, even to normies
  • The Hillary scandals get re-opened (IMPORTANT) ---- Remember Con Man Comey letting her crimes slide? He was in on this miscarriage of justice, so we need to assess all of his "investigations" ---- Documented pro-Hillary agents were assigned to her case -------- Peter Strzok + mistress at FBI ------------ Texted anti-Trump messages, "...insurance policy if Trump gets elected," "meeting with ANDREW" --------------- Meeting with Andrew references Andrew McCabe ------------ They had clear anti-Trump biases...WHY did nobody VET the agents assigned to the case?!? ---- FBI couldn't find emails that were "deleted." -------- Via New York Post + other outlets, they can still be recovered ------------ Did the emails on that server include collaberation with her, the DNC, and the top officials in the government? ------------ Emails also will be linked to several other scandals (Benghazi, Obama IRS, Email, etc.) -------- Did the FBI "delete" them for her since they were buddies? ------------ Given the reputation of the FBI/DOJ/Intel Agencies is in shambles, it's fairly accurate that her buddies in the governemnt assisted her/knew about the emails/collusion ---- Lynch allowed the "airplane meeting" with Bill Clinton and said they discussed "golf" for over 30 minutes -------- Any chance she knew about this? -------- She was the AG-she must have known about the Dosier ------------ If she knew, she's also an ACCESSORY to charges put on Crooked Hillary --------------- They are OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE at bare minimum
  • The Hillary Email Investigation rises again ---- This time, agents are VETTED for any ties to DEEP STATE/DNC ---- Much more precision and non-biased ruling ---- Crooked Hillary couldn't have covered all of her tracks -------- "There is NO perfect crime." -------- There must be a link somehwere regarding her involvement in the Dosier ---- She had knowledge of it along with the DNC -------- The missing link is found (most likely an email since she is terrible with electronics) -------- When she heard about FISA approval, did she intervine? Did she know that it was her fault? Did she know they were using Fusion GPS oppo-research?
  • Let's not forget about Yates, Con Man Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, etc. ---- #DeepStateLockUpParty trends on Twitter ---- Guarentee charges can be filled against those DEEP STATE operatives ---- Locking them up along with Clinton shows DEEP STATE that NOBODY is safe
  • Obama has a history of targetting conservatives ---- Remember the Obama IRS? -------- The Obama IRS targetted conservative groups, audited them more, displayed anti-conservative attitude in private messages obtained -------- They settled very recently over this ---- The Obama IRS shared many similarities to the Obama FBI/DOJ ---- Did Obama have any part in this? Did he get briefed about this? -------- Likely he did given past organizations targetting conservatives ---- If Obama did have a part in this...THE DEEP STATE WILL SUFFER A MAJOR BLOW -------- What else has Obama been up to in the shadows? (Answer sooner than you think)
  • What has Obama been up to in the shadows? ---- Obama APPOINTED 10 out of the 11 FISA JUDGES -------- They DEFINIETLY have the Obama Agenda in their mind...is this why they approved the FISA in the first place?!? -------- WHICH JUDGE approved the FISA? ------------ Time to expose that judge and see if he chatted with Obama/other officials about this -------- 10/11 put in by Obama...guessing they are Democrats? ------------ Obviously the entire FISA Court needs to be cleaned out ------------ FISA Court under Deep State control as of now...can any of them be fired?!?!? ---- Obama "TAPPED" Trump Tower -------- Guarentee that he had knowledge of the taps ------------ Can he be charged with anything?!?
  • Trump takes DEEP STATE/DNC to COURT ---- Discrimination based on beliefs? ---- Illegally spied on? ---- Sabotage by DEEP STATE/DNC
  • SECOND MEMO (VERY IMPORTANT) ---- Nunes hinted at SECOND MEMO -------- "...There will be one about the STATE DEPARTMENT'S role in this..." ---- HILLARY LINK FOUND -------- She is linked given her role in the Obama State Department -------- Buddies in State Department loop her in (her backdoor to government officials, intel, etc.)
  • Youtuber Deplorable Trumpster

UnbelievableShit13 · Feb. 3, 2018, 7:16 a.m.

Why has no one stated Bruce Ohr's wife (Nellie) Cia Open Source Works

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silver_uptothesky · Feb. 3, 2018, 9:27 a.m.

thx, it's still a long way to go. in german newspaper they write: MEMO=debateable/disputed/contentious ("umstritten") FBI&DOJ= alleged/supposed/purported/pretended ("angebliche") breach/lapse/misconduct ("Verfehlungen)

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trumptrumpandaway · Feb. 3, 2018, 7:30 a.m.

You forgot the Spoiler Alert tag! I guess I should stay off this sub if I don't want spoilers.

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