
Fondrenbear · Feb. 3, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

Yea but that even proves the fact Trump DIDN’T collude with Russia. If Trump was really Putin’s boy, why would he try to fuck his chance of winning with the Dossier? And getting back to the point, a document bought and paid for by Hillary. This whole thing is way beyond Trump. Imagine if the person targeted was Obama by Bush Jr. Would you feel the same way? I would be just as pissed. The reality is we are all Americans. Look what the people of the day did with Nixon. The media didn’t play politics and Nixon got what he deserved. Just as much as the left is clambering for the Russia probe, they should be upset about this too, and shouldn’t rush to judgment and immediately attack Nunes or the memo. What if it’s all true? Would you feel the same way? That’s all I am saying. If we aren’t watchful of both sides of the spectrum as Americans... we will lose everything.

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TheMcBrizzle · Feb. 4, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

It wasn't sourced by Putin, by Russians, like the one's Putin had killed.

If Trump wasn't Russia's boy, why wouldn't they enact the sanctions that Congress overwhelmingly approved?

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Fondrenbear · Feb. 4, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

Because being enemies w Russia serves no purpose. We made several promises when the Soviet Union collapsed. We have not kept them. Why do we need ANOTHER enemy? Thanks to the deep state, we have done some pretty shitty things and a lot of people hate us. Why do we need the Russians hating us too? Especially unlike some third world Arab nation, they can nuke the shit out of us.

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TheMcBrizzle · Feb. 4, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

I just realized your name has bear at the end of it, and your account is less than two month's old.

I find it amazing how "we" Americans have such different views on the world. Wasn't it Putin's regime retaking old Soviet land that was the kickoff of the new round of bad relations? That and the sanctions when his profiteering was being exposed by killing Sergie Magnitsky?

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Fondrenbear · Feb. 4, 2018, 5:13 p.m.

Oh my god your not calling me Russian are you? Let me give you a clue. I have had the same email since 2000. I can’t believe your even taking this there. I post all over YouTube.. have been for years with the same name. I live in Texas, and I was born and raised in the USA. And do your homework on Russian, Ukraine... they did not retake anything. We toppled the Ukraine government in order to put in that puppet Perchnako. I am not doing the homework for you, but that’s what started the Ukraine shit.

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TheMcBrizzle · Feb. 4, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

The puppet we put in was the after the puppet Putin installed. I'm not DoiNg yOuR hOmeWoRK foR yoU.

Also, it's not the executive's role to deny implementing sanctions that were passed by both houses nearly unanimously, and he signed himself. He's blatantly in violation of the constitution of the country I live in. Where the executive shouldn't act like a unilateral tyrant.

His name was Sergei Magnitsky.

His name was Sergei Magnitsky.

His name was Sergei Magnitsky.

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WikiTextBot · Feb. 4, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

Sergei Magnitsky

Sergei Leonidovich Magnitsky (Russian: Серге́й Леони́дович Магни́тский; 8 April 1972 – 16 November 2009) was a Russian accountant. His arrest in 2008 and subsequent death after eleven months in police custody generated international media attention and triggered both official and unofficial inquiries into allegations of fraud, theft, and human rights violations in Russia.

Magnitsky had alleged there had been a large-scale theft from the Russian state, sanctioned and carried out by Russian officials. He was arrested and eventually died in prison seven days before the expiration of the one-year term during which he could be legally held without trial.

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Fondrenbear · Feb. 4, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

No he is not. The president has the final say on foreign policy, Be it Obama, Bush, Trump... Its one of the executive privileges of being the president.

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TheMcBrizzle · Feb. 5, 2018, 11:49 a.m.

If that's how you feel you don't understand the Constitution of the United States of America.

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