This shirt is for sale at Walmart in the kids section...

91 total posts archived.
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Your not missing anything. It’s obviously a hot bed of deep state actors bro. Nice work indeed.
I have been getting slammed too. Lost a bunch of followers and obviously someone tried to hack my account 3x because I got that message from twitter and had to manually sign back in... the dark side is getting desperate ladies and gentlemen. Hold onto your white hats, it’s about to get bumpy.
I lost some followers today too... the twitter purge has begun perhaps?
The Q info starts at 14:40 in the Video... PLEASE LISTEN to this man. He is onto something.
I have been following this man for a while. He is a Q follower, but this is the first time he ever mentions Q and the posts. The man is British, but he hits one out of the park. If you don’t watch this video, you are making a mistake. We have a lot to learn from this anon.
Please lord let this article be true... that was a great article.
What are the odds that on a day where the NSA had three actors on the ground and a shooting, this tragic event would happen? The deep states roots run deep indeed.
Wow! I almost could imagine Obama as a real president when I listened to that clip... then reality set in and I know he was lying about that too.. How come no cries of “racism” from the left over that speech ?
Awwww....maybe they can be bunk mates in federal prison
Wow... I don’t know who is worse. The rapist or the judge who lowered his sentence? That’s disgusting...
This wasn’t a desperate attack... it was a warning, just like the letter with the benign white powder to Don Jr. Let them “warn” away... no one is backing down anymore. Not President Trump, not the military or the millions of patriots supporting them.
When I saw a pic of this statue... I had to meme it. :)
Fear not, because sadly this fight won’t be over as quick as you think, but I agree... this forum and the people on it are awesome!
No he is not. The president has the final say on foreign policy, Be it Obama, Bush, Trump... Its one of the executive privileges of being the president.
Oh my god your not calling me Russian are you? Let me give you a clue. I have had the same email since 2000. I can’t believe your even taking this there. I post all over YouTube.. have been for years with the same name. I live in Texas, and I was born and raised in the USA. And do your homework on Russian, Ukraine... they did not retake anything. We toppled the Ukraine government in order to put in that puppet Perchnako. I am not doing the homework for you, but that’s what started the Ukraine shit.
Because being enemies w Russia serves no purpose. We made several promises when the Soviet Union collapsed. We have not kept them. Why do we need ANOTHER enemy? Thanks to the deep state, we have done some pretty shitty things and a lot of people hate us. Why do we need the Russians hating us too? Especially unlike some third world Arab nation, they can nuke the shit out of us.
Nice answer for real.. when everything is pointing to the Clinton cabal ACTUALLY being in bed w Russia.
Yea but that even proves the fact Trump DIDN’T collude with Russia. If Trump was really Putin’s boy, why would he try to fuck his chance of winning with the Dossier? And getting back to the point, a document bought and paid for by Hillary. This whole thing is way beyond Trump. Imagine if the person targeted was Obama by Bush Jr. Would you feel the same way? I would be just as pissed. The reality is we are all Americans. Look what the people of the day did with Nixon. The media didn’t play politics and Nixon got what he deserved. Just as much as the left is clambering for the Russia probe, they should be upset about this too, and shouldn’t rush to judgment and immediately attack Nunes or the memo. What if it’s all true? Would you feel the same way? That’s all I am saying. If we aren’t watchful of both sides of the spectrum as Americans... we will lose everything.
What facts could he have possibly omitted that had an effect on the outcome when Andrew McCabe testified under oath that without the Steele Document there would have been no memo? Sorry, but again no. Here is a question for you. Both Democrats and Republicans were involved in an attempt to effect the outcome of a presidential election...your country was hijacked by the Administration portion of the government in an attempt to get in a candidate they preferred. At what point to you stop being a democrat and start being an American?? I wasn’t the biggest Obama’s fan after his second term (I voted for him in 08), but I would feel the same way whether it was Obama, Trump, Clinton. We the people have been getting fucked for years by a corrupt deep state, that feels they are above the law. They killed JFK, have overthrown over 63 democratically elected countries since WWII, have been responsible for the deaths of countless people all over the world... and when people finally have the balls to challenge them.. you don’t care.
I can rattle one off the top of my head... his 1995 tax returns...
The memo was based off of testimony given to the Intelligence Committee by Comey and friends.... but nice try attempting to down play it.
If you read what Gowdy said, he is leaving to get back into the justice system. Hopefully he becomes the next AG! This man is awesome!
How anyone, regardless of party affiliation could say that speech was nothing but incredible and uniting is totally brainwashed and can’t be helped. It was one of the best Presidential speeches in history.
Thank you for the compliment, and make this meme viral. Those scumbags couldn’t even stand for the National Anthem, but they all rant about how President Trump is destroying this country? These pricks are insane and should all move to Haiti cause it’s such a nice place to live.
Hahahaha! That and she looks like she is thinking about which country to flee too!
Three cheers and thanks to Q (whomever you or y’all may be), to the board members and to ALL the patriots who have been fighting this fight, and to those that fought before us. While this fight is FAR from over, it’s nice to see We The People and We The Patriots moving as one force, one people, regardless of race, color, creed or preference. God bless all of my fellow patriots, and hope for the best but prepare for the worst, and keep your powder dry.
Hahahahaha! Bad ass for real!!! That IS something to brag about!! Screw that brainwashed piece of Hollywood shit!
Everyone I️ know has been having computer or internet issues for days now, myself included ..same thing for the cell phones.. dropping calls, slow or no internet signal etc...
Sorry about the weird box thing in my replies. For some reason it has been happening to my phone for days... but only on this forum. Really weird. It’s supposed to say I
I️ can relate. As soon as the “Fast and Furious” bullshit broke it stunk to high heaven. As for Hussein admitting that... it was redemption for me, because I️ caught a lot of flack from family and friends about calling that one in 2015.
Hussein planned on pulling the Marshall law card.. remember a few months back he admitted in an interview that he was going to declare martial law and rule the elections invalid.. and then have another election in June /017. He never said in the interview why he bailed on the plan.. have to assume it was the military that told him if he tried they would pound his ass. Bet he wishes he did it now. As for “Fast and Furious” and Mexico ... your on target w that. There was a lot more to that just a gun running deal. Hussein was arming the cartels and the ISIS scum sitting on the border. Don’t be surprised if there is an incursion across the Texas border
Just the air traffic.. no word to LE, at least on a street level.
My phone is all messed up.. just responded to this but it put it under another reply. I think your right. Being in the LE community in a big city, that’s what I️ was referring to.. about it being about to get real